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中国加入WTO 和参与经济全球化 Chinas Accession to WTO and Participation in Economic Globalization --在21世纪论坛午餐会上的演讲 ----Speech at the Luncheon of the 21st Century Forum by Minister for Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation 外经贸部部长 石广生 SHI Guangsheng (2000年6月16日) (June 16th, 2000)   尊敬的主席先生, Respected Mr. Chairman, 女士们、先生们: Ladies and Gentlemen, ??? 在新的千年,发展问题备受世界各国的重视。面向新世纪,全国政协邀请国内外各界有识之士,就经济全球化这一主题进行研讨,对扩大共识、加强合作、促进发展具有十分重要的意义。借此机会,我愿意向各位朋友介绍中国加入世贸组织和参与经济全球化的有关情况。 ??? In the new millennium, the issue of development has caught redoubled attention from various countries in the world. Facing the new century, CPPCC has invited people of insight in all walks of life at home and abroad to conduct discussions on the theme of Economic Globalization, which is of great significance to the expansion of consensus, strengthening of cooperation and promotion of development. I would like to avail myself of this opportunity to brief you on Chinas accession to WTO and participation in economic globalization.   ??? 中国加入世贸组织为世界广泛关注。去年以来,中国加入世贸组织的谈判进程明显加快。在世贸组织135个成员中,有37个成员要求与中国进行双边谈判。迄今为止,已有包括美国和欧盟在内的32个成员与中国结束谈判并签署了双边协议,尚未达成协议的仅剩墨西哥、瑞士、厄瓜多尔、危地马拉和哥斯达尼加。目前,有关谈判正在加紧进行,全部双边谈判近期将会结束。中国工作组第十次会议不久将在日内瓦召开,就中国加入世贸组织议定书进行多边谈判,以便最终完成中国加入世贸组织的有关法定程序。我们相信,中国加入世贸组织已为期不远了。 ??? Chinas entry into the WTO has caught worldwide attention. Since last year, the negotiation process for Chinas accession has been obviously paced up. Among the 135 WTO members, 37 have requested for bilateral talks with China. Up to now, 32 members including US and EU have concluded negotiations and signed bilateral agreements with China. Mexico, Switzerland, Ecuador, Guatemala and Costa Rica are the members yet to clinch a deal with China. At present, relevant talks are being intensified and all the bilateral negotiations will be put to an end shortly. The tenth Working Party Meeting on Chinas accession will be convened in Geneva very soon, at which multilateral talks will be carried our for the Protocol on Chin


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