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课堂教学设计 课题 If you go to the party, you’ll have a good time. 课时 1课时 章节 Section A 主备人 苑新国 教学内容分析 概述 1.Describe something about decisions and making.. 2.Talk about the future events and if clause. 知识点 New words and expression:advice,experience, mistake, organize, travel,advise,solve,trust. 2.Pattern drills:If you do, you will be late. 重点 How to use if clause to describe the future events. 2.Master the new words,expressions and the pattern drills. 3.How to use the patterns freely. 难点 1.The use of if clause. 环节 主要内容 学情分析 课前三问 为何教?——呈现理念(与时俱进)、目标(体现“三维”) (1).Master the new words, expressions and pattern drills. (2).Use if clause to describe future events. 教给谁?——明晰对象(学习主体)、类别(知识层次) Grade 8,Class8 andClass10. 3、怎样教?——研究内容(本刚合一)、方法(有效创新) Self-studying and cooperative learning. This unit is closely related to students’ daily lives, so the students are interested in it very much. Most students have the ability to study by themselves, but it still needs improving. 第一段:教学导入 创设情境 复习巩固上节课知识(以小组为单位提问或检测) (1).Go over the words and expressions : organize,chocolate,upset,advice,expert, keep--to oneself, normal, unless,certainly, . Ask and answer: What will you do, if you have a lot of money? 新旧知识联系,导入新课(板书课题) Ask and answer: What will you do if it doesn’t rain tomorrow ? Leading in the new lessons: If you go to the party , you will have a great time. Section A If you go to the party , you will have a great time 出示本节课学习主题和目标 .New words ,expressions and sentences: advice,experience, mistake, organize, travel,advise,solve,trust,organize,chocolate,upset,advice,expert, keep--to oneself, normal, unless,certainly. Pattern drills:If you do, you will be late. (2).Use if clause to describe the decisions and making. 第二段:学习新知 合作探究 分组展示上节课布置的预习成果 Master the following contents: (出示自学互助提纲) New words (自学互互查) Meeting, organize,chocolate,upset,taxi,advice,travel,agent,expert, oneself, teenager Expressions 带我一起参加聚会 玩得高兴 穿着牛仔裤去聚会


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