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M1 写下 write down (wrote-written) 一个建议 a piece of 相互 each other 过得愉快 have a good time / enjoy oneself (my/your/him/her/itself our/your/themselves) 一直 all the time 为什么不……? Why not/don’t you…? (做)某事如何? How/What about doing sth? 如何做某事 How to do sth? 尽量(不要)做某事 try (not) to do sth 做某事是…(adj.)…的 It’s + adj. + to do sth 我(不)认为…… I (don’t) think… 帮某人做某事 帮某人某事 help sb (to) do sth help sb with sth 寄某物给某人 送某人去… send sth to sb = send sb sth (sent-sent) send sb to… 做一个深呼吸 take a deep breath (took-taken) 做某事最好的方法 the best way to do sth 要求 ask for sth/doing sth …的意思 the meaning of… 一会儿 a moment later 记得/忘记要某事 记得/忘记做过某事 remember/forget to do sth (forgot-forgot) remember/forget doing sth M2 起飞 take off 环球旅行 travel around the world (travelled) 邀请某人去某处 invite sb to somewhere 和某人呆在一起 stay with sb …的奖金 the prize of… 一等奖 the first prize 听起来不错 It/That sounds good! …的假期 the holiday of… 飞往… fly to… (flew-flown) 梦想 dream of doing sth 开演唱会 give concerts (gave-given) 到最后 at the end 在座位上 in the seat 卖完, 出卖 sell out (sold-sold) 把…做得更好 do…better (did-done) 多于, 超过, …多 more than, over, beyond 成为现实 come true (came-come) 在机场 at the airport 各种各类 kinds of 中/西餐 the Chinese/Western food M3 教我们… 教某人(做)某事 teach us (taught-taught) teach sb (to do) sth = teach sth to sb 去过某处(已回来) 去过某处(未回来) have been to have gone to 你在做什么? What are you up to? 别紧张! Don’t panic! 出差 on business 回来/回去 come/go back (to) 把某物展示给某人看 show sth to sb = show sb sth 把某物带回 bring sth back = bring back sth 成百/千/百万/十亿 hundreds/thousands/millions/billions of 绕着…走 go around... 没有 none of …中的一(adj.)部分 a (adj.) part of (只是)…中之一/二 (only) one/two of ...(复数的名词或代词) M4 与某人相处…(adv.)… get on (adv.) with sb 听说 hear of/about (heard-heard) 全中国 all over China 为某人/事筹款 raise money for sb/sth 成长, 成大 grow up 参加 take part in to 退学 drop out of school = stop going to school 得到教育 get an education 在某人/事的帮助下 with the help of sb/sth 在过去…年中 in the last...year(s) 支付 pay for (paid-paid)


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