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第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分 40 分)第一节(共 15 小题;每题 2 分,满分 30 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A,B,C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项。AAbsorbed in my to-do list of yesterday, I was walking into the office without payingany attention to my surroundings, when suddenly I turned the corner and there it was,sitting on my chair. “Oh, my God,” I said surprisedly. “Zucchini(小胡瓜)”. “Isn’t it thatnice?” said Rachel, my workmate. “Somebody left zucchini for everyone!”Have you ever noticed how somebody actually gives you zucchini? At least, not inthe same way they give you corn or apples or tomatoes. I mean, if someone wants to giveyou a few fresh, juicy peaches off their tree, they walk right up and hand them to you. Youwill be pleased. It seems that they have confidence you will like their gift. But withzucchini, they left it and went away. No note. No calling card. I thought zucchini is theabandoned orphan of the vegetable kingdom.“Yeah, it’s nice,” I said. “Who should we thank for this gift?” “I don’t know,” Rachelsaid. “You know how it is with zucchini.” Of course I do. Nobody actually grows it. Atleast, not on purpose. It just grows like weeds.“So what are you going to do with yours?” I asked. “I will just do what I always dowith zucchini,” she said.This morning I stepped into my office area carefully, afraid of what might be therewaiting for me. There was a piece of bread in a white box sitting on my desk. I picked it up.It smelled wonderful. I took a bite. It tasted wonderful.“Who made the banana bread?” I asked. Rachel said, “It isn’t banana bread. It’szucchini bread.” I stopped chewing. “This couldn’t be zucchini. It’s delicious!” I paused,and added, “But I dislike zucchini!”“So do I,” Rachel admitted. “But a few years ago I found this great way to cookzucchini bread, and now I actually look forward to zucchini season.”I took another bite of the bread. I couldn’t help wondering: “How could anything sotasty come from something so distasteful?”“It’s a fact of life,” Rachel said. “You mix effort with creativity and yo


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