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Unit4 ?Animal Homes(动物的家)(1) Words ? 四会词: Animal:bear 熊elephant 大象lion 狮子? monkey 猴子??fish 鱼 kangaroo 袋鼠??? ?camel 骆驼?bird 鸟 ?crocodile?鳄鱼?? deer鹿??parrot鹦鹉???chimpanzee?黑猩猩 Action:fly 飞?jump 跳???run 跑?swim 游泳 ?walk 走??climb 攀登??crawl 爬?sing 唱歌 ???? 三会词:march 行进,前进 Phrases go marching 行进????two by two 两个两个的???tie one’s shoe 系鞋带 Song Go Marching Grammer Review: 1.??????人称代词主格,在句子里做主语:I , you, he, she, it ,we, you,they 2. 可数名词以“s,x, o ,sh, ch”结尾 ,变复数,在单词结尾加”es“ Sentences 1.What can bears do??? ??They can run. 2.What can’t bears do? ??They can’t fly. 3.Bears can?run and walk. But now they are?sleeping. Homework ? 1 Listen, read and say: (要求:每天15分钟) ??Student Book: P32-1,P34 2 抄写四会词和句子,每个两遍,不写汉语意思, 背四会词 3 WB:P29 ??Unit4 ?Animal Homes(动物的家)(2) Words ? 四会词: Animal:polar bear北极熊zebra斑马?penguin企鹅ostrich鸵鸟whale鲸鱼dolphin海豚 Place:lake 湖泊????river 河,江????ocean 海洋??desert 沙漠??????jungle 丛林????? snow and ice冰天雪地forest 森林??plain 平原 ? Sentences 1. Where do?camels live????????????Camels live in the?hot desert. 2. Do?whales live in the?forest? ???Yes, they do.??/?????No, they don’t. They live in the?ocean. Song Go Marching??复习 Homework ? 1 Listen, read and say: (要求:每天15分钟) ??Student Book: P32,P33 2 抄写四会词和句子,每个两遍,不写汉语意思 3 WB:P27,P34 ? ?Unit4 ?Animal Homes(动物的家)(3) Words ? 四会词: hot 热的?cold 冷的??warm 温暖的?cool 凉爽的 三会词: mighty 大的???near 靠近???village 村庄??? peaceful 安宁的?fun 有趣的?fact 事实???? carry 携带???pouch 袋??show 展现????? paw 手掌????dinosaur 恐龙???owl 猫头鹰 Phrases come from 来自…. ?It comes frome Chinese.???它来自于中国。 Song In the jungle P35--8 Speaking Practice Guess a riddle. Model: I’m a?bird. I’m?black and white.?I live?on the ice.?I have?two? ???????legs. I can?swim. I can’t?fly. What am I? Describe Animals. Model:?Chimpanzees live in?the hot jungle. They are?black and strong. ???????They have?long arms and they don’t have tails. They are?clever.?? ???????They can?do many things. Homework ? 1 Listen, read and say: (要求:每天15分钟) ??Student Book: P37,P38 (预习小故事); 2 WB:P33 ; 3 仿照SB:P39上


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