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十个有效的市场管理方法 (NXPowerLite)
10 Affiliate Marketing Management Tips Jeremy Gislason Discover The Answer To The 10 Most Common Affiliate Marketing Management Questions 1. Is affiliate marketing right for my business? Affiliate marketing is one of the most powerful and effective means of gaining new customers, regardless of your product or service. Affiliate marketing exposes your business to new customers and can get you out of your marketing rut. Additionally, when you initiate an affiliate marketing campaign, you’re in control. You determine the commission rate you pay and pay only when your affiliates make a sale. It’s a no loss operation for you because you only pay when a sale is made. 2. What are the startup costs? When you start an affiliate program you have the choice of handling the operations yourself or having it managed by an affiliate network. The costs for either choice are reasonable and generally start around a few hundred dollars. Additionally, as a business owner don’t forget that many of your costs may be tax deductible. To start an affiliate marketing program in house, costs will include: Affiliate management software Affiliate marketing support including a website that answers affiliate questions and a means for them to contact you if any issues arise. Affiliate marketing materials including banner ads, copy, coupons, and promotional content. An affiliate marketing contract agreement Tracking software to track cookies, click throughs, payments, etc… If you choose to hire an affiliate network to handle your program they generally charge a flat fee or a percentage of what you pay out each month. 3. How much time will it take out of my workday/workweek? Most experts agree that it will take you about an hour and a half each day to manage your affiliate program. They also recommend you to budget more time in the first few months of your program, approximately two to three hours a day. Even the most efficient affiliate managers spend about 45 minutes a day managin
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