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英国文学作品选读 试题 一 二 三 四 五 六 总分 得分 All the answers should be written on the Answer Sheet I. Multiple Choice.( 30% ) 得分 评卷人 There are 30 statements in this part. Choose A, B,C or D on your Answer Sheet. 1. “The Canterbury Tales” was written in________, which was first introduced from the continent by Chaucer and for a long time became the classic poetic form. A. blank verse B. sonnet C. heroic couplet D. free verse 2. Which of the following is not subsumed into William Shakespeare’s four great tragedies? A. Romeo and Juliet B. Hamlet C. Othello D. Macbeth 3. In Novum Organum (New Instrument), Bacon discussed the method of ________. ??? A. deduction B. induction C. analogy D. reading 4. Which of the following statements about John Donne is wrong? A. He is one of the most important representatives for metaphysical poets B. He frequently uses the far-fetched comparisons to make incredible but reasonable arguments. C. He sets great store by the gorgeous diction. D. Most of his poems concern the love and religion themes. 5. Which of the following characters bears the most resemblance with its creator in John Milton’s works? A. Satan in Paradise Lost B. God in Paradise Lost C. Samson in Samson Agonistes D. Christ in Paradise Regained 6. The Metaphysical Poetry is characterized by its extensive use of ________. ???? A. the impersonal voice ??? B. conceits ???? C. traditional symbols ??? D. literary allusions 7. The Review, the first regularly issued political journal in British history, was initiated by which of the following? A. Jonathan Swift B. Daniel Defoe C. John Donne D. John Milton 8. If we are to use one key word to describe Jonathan Swift’s writing tone, it will most probably be_____. A. satiric B. mild C. instructive D. euphemistic 9. Which of the following statements best describes Gullivers Travels? ???? A. Gullivers Travels is a book of satire. ????


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