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技术协议和合同注意问题 1 工厂使用条件要写清楚:(相应条件写清楚) 例如:Requirements for the Factory .1 电流种类及电压 Current and Voltage 供电方式采用TN-S(三相五线制)方式 Power supply should be TN-S (three phases five lines) 电压:380V(15% Voltage: 380V(15% 频率50Hz(1% Frequency: 50Hz(1% .2 压缩空气: Compressed Air: 压力 0.5-0.6Mpa, Pressure: 0.5-0.6Mpa 进入设备温度:≈室温 Temperature: ≈ indoor temperature 压力露点温度:≥5℃ Dew Point Temperature: ≥5℃ .3 厂房温度和湿度 Temperature and Humidity of the Factory 温度:夏季≤35℃,冬季≥0℃ Temperature: in summer≤35℃, in winter ≥0℃ 湿度≤65% Humidity≤65% .4 工厂屋架 Framework of the Ceiling 厂房屋架下弦高度:7.5m Lower boom height of the roof truss: 7.5m 设备安装地坪:整体地坪,地坪承载6t/m2(400MM混凝土加双层钢筋,设备不需作单独的基础) Terrace for installing the equipment: overall terra, bear weight 6t/m2 (400MM concrete with double deck of reinforcing steel bar, equipment do not need to be sole base) 2.工件验收问题: A一般德国钥匙都是全部检查,并找出关键项目交1.67或1.33.B培训等服务随机服务不要写免费,这样反而不利,应该写包含在机床总价内。 C.根据以往的经验随机资料还应该有光盘一份,必须有D机床夹具没有提是否包含应该写上。 3提供给最终用户的技术资料) Technical Documents Provided by Suppliers to the Final Users 供方应向需方提供机床安装、操作、使用、维修必需的全套资料。 Suppliers should provide complete documents about installation, operation, use and maintenance of the machine tool to the Demanders. A.1一般性要求 General Requirements A.1.1 机床操作手册、编程手册采用中文和英文(英文手册一套,中文手册两套),机床精度检验卡和备件清单采用中英文对照,其它技术资料采用中文或英文,格式应满足需方相关要求。文件数量:纸质三套,电子文档一份(CD盘)。 Machine manual pamphlet and programming manual should be both in Chinese and in English (one set of English and two sets of Chinese), accuracy checking card and spare parts list should be in Chinese and English; other documents should be in Chinese or in English and the formats should meet requirements of the Demanders’. Documents: three sets of paper ones and an electrical one (CD ) 文件规格应保证其内容清晰、易懂。这些资料上应带有以下说明:机床或设施的名称, 带修改标记的修改日期及内容。 Documents should be clear and easy to understand. They should have following content: name of the machine tool or of the equipment; amended date and content with signs. A.2 设备资料清单(图形文件用Autocad2004以上版本格式,其余文件用Word


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