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K-Pop collaboration newest trend in pop world Apr 01, 2014 All music that originates in Korea and that gains popularity overseas is broadly defined as  HYPERLINK /Government/Current-Affairs/Others/view?affairId=209subId=292articleId=2927 \t _blank K-Pop. This umbrella term was first introduced only in the late 1990s. Up until that time, popular music was associated with any music that came from the U.S. or Japan. Largely influenced by Western music, Korea has since that time created a new genre, K-Pop, which is now making its way back across Asia and even further afield, to the U.S., Europe and Central and South America.? In recent years, a new trend has emerged in the pop world centered on K-Pop and its singers. As K-pop stars become increasingly popular on the international stage, they are receiving a flurry of calls for collaboration concerts from pop stars overseas. A range of musical cooperative projects between K-pop singers and other pop stars is now underway. A month ago, the news hit the headlines that Koreas Crayon Pop, a hyper-colored, super cute five-member pop band, was going to open for global diva Lady Gaga on her upcoming tour. Gaga left a twitter message on March 21 in her verified account saying that, Im excited to announce June 26 through July 22 of Lady Gagas artRave: The ARTPOP Ball will be opened by CRAYON POP! The video for the groups hit Bar Bar Bar was attached at the bottom.? Crayon Pops Bar Bar Bar took the nation by storm last summer. In the video, Gum-mi, Ellin, Cho-a, Way and So-yul dance up and down like super-cute engine pistons in colorful, eye-catching training sweats and helmets. In addition to their melodies that linger on, their energetic and fun dance moves, the so-called Straight Five Engine Dance, assured the groups stardom, leaving the audience hungry for more and inspiring a series of parodies.? Five-member dance sensation Crayon Pop (left), known for their cheerful songs and little sister image, are scheduled to open


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