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大学英语第二学期练习资料I 阅读理解Passage 1 Marketing by emailing is on the increase. Compared to other media, email messages are extremely cheap to send. With TV, you are spending on ad agencies and cable channels. With print ads, you are helping to keep newspapers and magazines alive. Direct mail costs more than $600 per thousand pieces. With email, there are almost no costs at all. Its low cost makes email marketing become the most cost-effective (划算的)advertising method available today.With TV, you do not know who is watching your ads. Even with direct mail, you cannot be sure that your mail has been delivered, or that anyone reads it when it gets there. With email, you know within 24 hours exactly which messages have been opened, by whom, what links the openers clicked on (点击),and what part of your message was working.Because of electronic links, those who open your emails can do their own research: they can explore and see any of the thousands of products that you sell. They can see the colors and sizes. They can, and they do, read ratings and reviews. They can put products in their shopping carts and buy them.1. Email marketing has become the most cost-effective advertising method because______________.A. it is of extremely low costB. it is a new marketing methodC. it is popular with young peopleD. it is the best marketing method available2. By saying “with print ads, you are helping to keep newspapers and magazines alive” (Para. 1),the writer means that __________.A. your investment is important to newspapers and magazinesB. your ads are helping newspapers and magazines surviveC. print ads are more attractive than TV and email adsD. print matters are less expensive than emails3. According to the passage, if you place an ad on TV, you are unable to know_____________ .A. how often your ad is displayedB. how much your ad costsC. when your ad is shownD. who your audience is4. If you market by emailing, you can learn within a day ________.A. who have opened your messagesB. how ol


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