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Chapter Two Establishing Business Relations I Put the following sentences into English: 1 冒昧致函贵司,希望与你们建立商务关系。 2 兹冒昧自荐,我公司系一家国有公司,专营轻工产品。 3 随函寄上我公司化工产品的产品目录和价目表。 4 我公司经营羊毛出口已有二十多年了。 5 如果你们的价格合理,我们相信我们之间能达成大量的交易。 6 你方十月五日致我总公司的信已转交我们办复,因为你们要的货属于我公司经营。 II Letter writing: Write a letter to Denman Sons at 45 Cannon Street, London, telling them that you wish to enter into business relations with them, with the following particulars: 1 Introduced by Mr. A. G. Topworth of Swanson Bros., of Hamburg; 2 The main line of your business is exporting chinaware; 3 Ask Denman Sons to give you the name of their bank; 4 Illustrated catalogue and price list will be airmailed against their specific enquiries. Chapter Three Enquiries I Put the following sentences into English: 1 我们想大量购买全棉床单,请报美国纽约到岸价。 2 我们是电子产品的批发商,希望采购你们在广交会上展出的联想电脑。 3 如果你们不能供应一等品,二等品我们也要。 4 我们已收到你方八月二十五日对我们绵羊毛的询价。 5 请报最优惠的尼日利亚拉各斯到岸价,并说明最早的船期和包装方式。 6 如果你们认为这个价格可以接受,请即来电,以便我方确认。 II Letter writing: Write a letter of enquiry to a foreign exporter based on the following information: 1 Informed by the Overseas Trading Co. Ltd that the foreign company is an exporter of hand-made gloves in natural leathers; 2 Request details about gloves and samples be sent; 3 Introduce your company and make predictions about the sales of gloves in your area; 4 Request price terms and quantity discounts. Chapter Four Offers I Put the following sentences into English: 1 很遗憾,一级红茶暂时脱销。 2 如果你们立即来电接受,可以利用不断上涨的行情。 3 我们乐于报下列货物,每公吨500美元,温哥华到岸价,以贵司九月十五日前复到有效。 4 我们必须强调的是,由于需求强劲而存货有限,本报盘的有效期仅为3天。 5 除非另有说明,所有价格均不含折扣。 6 兹报下列货物实盘,条件同前一份合同一样,以一周内贵司复到有效。 II Letter writing: Suppose you are an exporter of printed shirting. Write a letter in reply to an enquiry making an offer based on the following information: 1 Express appreciation and inform the enquirer one catalog and two samples will be sent; 2 Make a special offer providing details such as article number, design, specification, quantity, pa


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