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2015~2016学年度)第一阶段质量测试年级’t _____ them . A. leave, alone B. give, up C. let, down D. cheer, up ( ) 3.We’ll find Mike a good foreigner ____. A. to work B. to work with C. working with D. works with ( ) 4. Miss Li is _____ that all of us like her very much. A. so a patient teacher B. so patient a teacher C. such patient a teacher D. a such patient teacher ( ) 5. The river has become much ____ than before because of the waste water from the factories. A. dirty B. dirtier C. dirtiest D. the dirtiest ( ) 6.---What do you think of that girl? ---She___ a very kind girl. A. becomes B. appeas C. remains D. keeps ( ) 7. The shirt ____ me 200 yuan. I like it very much. A. spent B. cost C. paid D. took ( ) 8. Hello, Joyce, you look busy. ______ I can do to help? A. Something B. Everything C. Anything D. Nothing ( ) 9. The children all looked _____ at the broken model plane and felt quite_______. A. sad, sad B. sadly, sadly C. sad, sadly D. sadly, sad ( ) 10.It’s so hot. You’d better keep the door _____. A. opening B. opens C.to open D. open ( ) 11. People write to ask for help ________ their problems. A. in B. about C. for D. with ( ) 12. ---I didn’t hear you come in just now. --- That’s good. We tried ___ _any noise, for you were sleeping. A. not make B. not to make C. to make D. making ( ) 13. We should give the boy another chance ____ he has made some mistakes. A. though B. when C. unless D. because ( ) 14. --- When Archimedes got into the bath, some water ____ filled with B. let down C.ran over D. joined into ( ) 15. Einstein often received invitations to ______his theories at different universities. A. explain B. expect C. talk D. say 二、完形填空(15分) Anna: I’m worried about my friend Jolin. She wants to be a model and she’s thin, but she thinks she’s fat. She’s always __1__a diet. She’s getti


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