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2016考研英语精彩阅读:揭秘喝碳酸饮料的五大误区   Fizzy truth about soda   揭秘喝碳酸饮料的五大误区   Do sugary drinks cause *obesity? The US New York State Supreme Court’s Justice Milton Tingling isn’t convinced. Last month he dismissed New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s proposed ban on oversized soda drinks.   含糖饮料是肥胖的元凶吗?美国纽约州最高法院法官米尔顿?廷林并不相信这一说法。上个月他驳回了纽约市长迈克尔?布隆伯格关于禁售大瓶含糖饮料的提案。   While we know that sugary drinks are loaded with calories, which are believed to cause weight gain, many questions remain. For example, is diet soda any better? Does the carbon dioxide in fizzy drinks damage our bones? Here are the facts behind some claims made about sugary drinks and how they affect our health.   虽然我们都知道含糖饮料热量很高,被认为是导致体重上升的罪魁祸首,但仍有很多疑问。比如,无糖饮料是否稍好一些?汽水中的二氧化碳会损害骨骼吗?下面我们来揭开一些有关含糖饮料的说法背后的真相,一起来看看这些饮料是如何影响到人体健康的。   The claim: Diet soda is better for you than regular soda.   误区一:无糖汽水比一般汽水更健康。   The reality: “Diet soda is no panacea”, Lisa R. Young, a professor of nutrition at New York University, told The Huffington Post.   事实:“无糖饮料不是万灵药。”纽约大学营养学教授丽萨?R?杨在接受《赫芬顿邮报》采访时说。   Sugar-free doesn’t mean healthy. In fact, the “false sweetness” of diet soda can be quite problematic, according to Young. The theory is that the brain mistakenly thinks the sweetness in the drink means calories are entering the body, triggering metabolic processes that can lead to weight gain.   无糖不等于健康。杨教授表示,事实上,无糖汽水的“甜味替代素”会带来更大的问题。理论上来讲,大脑会将饮料的甜味误认为是身体正在摄入热量,从而启动新陈代谢,最终导致体重飙升。   These studies don’t necessarily prove drinking diet soda regularly causes health problems, Young cautions, but there’s certainly nothing nutritious about it.   杨教授告诫人们,尽管这些研究并不能完全证明无糖饮料会导致健康问题,但可以肯定的是它没任何营养可言。   The claim: Clear soda is healthier than dark soda.   误区二:无色汽水比深色汽水健康。   The reality: While the caramel coloring responsible for that dark hue can discolor your teeth, Young said, the big difference between clear and dark sodas is typically caffeine. Think Coca Cola versus Sprite.   事实:杨教授说,深色汽水中的焦糖色素会使牙齿颜色变深,无色汽水与深色汽水最典型的区别就是咖啡因。就拿可口可乐和雪碧打比方吧!   S


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