新编英语教程4第三版U1-U6 comprehension B.doc

新编英语教程4第三版U1-U6 comprehension B.doc

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新编英语教程4第三版U1-U6 comprehension B

Unit1 Pretty clearly, anyone who followed my collection of rules would be blessed with a richer life, boundless love from his family and the admiration of the community. 显而易见,只要跟着我整理的规则将拥有一个富裕的生活,还有来自他的家庭和社区那无穷无尽的爱。 Be spontaneous in showing affection. 在展示的是自发的感情。 A sincere compliment is worth its weight in gold. 真诚的赞美是值得重量的黄金。 Meet your child at his own level. 满足你的孩子在自己的水平。 There was a series of shrieks down the hall. I found Gretchen in tears. 有一系列的尖叫声大厅。我发现格雷琴在泪水中。 The most trivial chore can prove rewarding if approached with zest. 最琐碎的家务可以证明奖励如果处理的热情。 I struck up a conversation with kit, trying to establish some kind of rapport. 我建立了一个谈话装备武器,试图建立一种和睦的关系。 You never bothered with small talk before, why start now? 你没耐心地闲谈之前,为什么现在开始吗? Unit2 Every night for weeks there had been much preaching, singing, praying, and shouting, and some very hardened. Sinners had been brought to Christ, and the membership of the church had grown by leaps and bounds. 每天晚上在周已经多了说教,唱歌,祈祷,和叫喊,一些非常坚硬。罪人被带到基督和教会的成员已经增长突飞猛进。 The preacher preached a wonderful rhythmical sermon, all moans and shouts and lonely cries and dire pictures of hell. 牧师布道宣讲美妙的节奏,呻吟、喊叫、孤独的哭泣以及对地狱恐怖的描述。 And the whole building rocked with prayer and song. 整个大楼哄堂祷告和歌唱。 The whole congregation prayed for me alone, in a mighty wail of moans and voices. 全会众为我祈祷,仅在一个强大的呻吟和哀号的声音。 Waves of rejoicing swept the place. 海浪横扫整个欢乐的地方。 When things quieted down, in a hushed silence punctuated by a few ecstatic “Amens”, all the young lambs were blessed in the name of god. 当事情平静下来时,在一个安静的沉默穿插着一些狂喜“阿门”,年轻的羊羔在上帝的名义祝福。 Unit3 I contend, quite bluntly, that marking up a book is not an act of mutilation but of love. 坦率地说,我认为,在书上涂抹标记不是一种损毁行为,而是爱。 But this act of purchase is only the prelude to possession. 但这种购买行为仅是拥有的前奏。 Full ownership comes only when you have made it a part of yourself. 全部所有权是只有当你让它自己的一部分。 The third has a few books or many——every one of them dog-eared and dilapidated, shaken and loosened by continual use, marked and scribbled in


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