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Teaching plan Class:4 Teacher:Sylvia Students:11 Time:周日9:50到11:30 教 学 内 容 Lesson75-76 words: ago, buy, pair, fashion, uncomfortable, wear key points:like these We don’t have any. in fashion I’m afraid grammars: 宾语从句 教 学 重 难 点 一般过去时的概念以及应用;认识宾语从句。 教 学 目 标 准确拼读单词、词组和短语,将短文中的知识了解透彻,学会使用一般过去时。 教 具 单词卡片 ,电脑 教 学 步 骤 第一节课 Greeting Good morning, boys and girls。 Roll call Let’s make a roll call. Warm-up Let’s do a warm-up. (Exercise) Review Let’s review some words. (hurriedly, cut, thirstily, go, greet phrase) Dictation Let’s dictate. Take out your copybook. New Words ①ago: adv. 以前,过去(一般过去时的标志) phrase: long ago 很久以前 synonym: before(常常和完成时连用) sentence-making:Thirty years ago, Jim was number one. Chinese Translation: 三十年以前,吉姆是第一名。 ②buy: v.买 n.:交易,买卖;便宜货 past tense: bought antonym:sell 卖 phrases: buy off 买通;buy out 买尽 fixed match: buy sb. sth.=buy sth. for sb. sentence-making: I’ll buy a toy dog for a friend’s birthday . Chinese Translation:我将会买一只玩具狗作为我一个朋友的生日礼物。 ③ pair:n. 双,对 pairs phrase:a pair of sentence-making: I bought a pair of socks yesterday afternoon. Chinese Translation:我昨天下午买了一双袜子。 ④fashion:n. (服装的)流行样式 ,时装 adj.: fashionable 流行的 unfashionable:过时的 fixed match: in fashion流行,时髦; out of fashion不流行,过时 sentence-making: The fashion world does not mind the real world thinks. Chinese Translation:时尚界并不在意现实世界的想法。 ⑤uncomfortable: adj. 不舒服的 antonym:comfortable: 舒服的 n.: comfort:舒服 sentence-making: This chair is uncomfortable. It makes me uncomfortable. Chinese Translation:这把椅子坐着不舒服。 它使我不舒服。 game: high and low voice The first student says‘uncomfortable’(high voice),next student says ‘uncomfortable’(low voice),and then you say‘uncomfortable’(high voice),you say ‘uncomfortable’(low voice),you say…(边讲规则,边试一遍) ⑥wear: v.穿着(强调穿着的状态) synonym: put on 穿上,戴上(强调“穿”这个动作) sentence-making: She wears a skirt. Please put on your coat. Chinese Transl


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