2009 TEM4 听写写作评分标准.doc

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2009 TEM4 听写写作评分标准

TEM 4 听写评分标准(2009) 1. 听写共15小节,每节1分,每阅卷组评5句,五句为1段。 2. 每句最多扣1分。 3. 段内重复错误,仅扣1次。 4. 错误分2类:小错误minor mistakes 大错误major mistakes 小错误: 扣分标准:小错误在一节中每出现一次,扣0.25分,扣完为止) 1) 大小写、标点符号错误(若标点影响后句大小写,算前面句子的一个小错) 如:New Year’s Eve —— new year’s eve parties, while ——parties. While 或 parties While 或 parties while in the West, —— in the West party; —— party. twelve, —— twelve with friends or … —— with friends, or … 2) 冠词错误 a time —— time 或 the time all New Year’s Eve —— all the New year’s Eve 3) 缩写 It’s —— It is There’s —— There is 大错误:漏写、加词、造词、换词(冠词按小错记),单复数、拼写、时态错误 扣分标准:大错误在一节中每个扣0.5分,出现2个(及2个以上),该节1分扣除。 例1 drink —— drank 例2 New Year’s Eve —— New Year Eve 例3 countdown —— countdown within —— with in 例4 have in —— having (扣2个0.5分) 5. 下列情况不扣分 例1 West —— west party; —— party, 例2 common; —— common- 例3 countdown—— count-down 例4 twelve —— 12 例5 quickly —— quickly, 例6 New Year —— new year 6. 段与段之间的关联错误,原则上扣前不扣后。 例: …others attend street parties, while … …others attend street parties. While / while 7. 标题忽略不计 听写材料原文: (第一组) For many people in the West, New Year’s Eve is the biggest party of the year.// It’s a time to get together with friends or family // and welcome in the coming year.// New Year’s parties can take place in different places. // Some people hold a house party; others attend street parties, // (第二组) while some just go for a new drinks with their friends. // Big cities have large and spectacular fireworks displays. // There’s one thing that all New Year’s Eve parties have in common: // the countdown to midnight.// While the clock strikes twelve, people gave a local cheer and sing songs.// (第三组) It’s also popular to make a promise in the New Year. // This is called a New Year’s resolution.// Typical resolutions include giving up smoking and keeping fit. // However, the promise is often broken quite quickly // and people are back into there bad habits within weeks or days.// TEM4作文评分标准(2009) 说明:该项目满分15分。根据考生的思想与表达、语言运用能力和写作规范分


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