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2011-2012年度高一电脑班期末测试题 命题人:吕艳 满分:10分 时间:0分钟’ll come back soon. You ____________(应该) help your mother do some housework. He will help his father ____________(经营) their farm. Do you want to get a ____________(工作) in this company. Marry studies hard and there is not any ____________(错误) in her homework. It’s not easy for children to answer this ____________(问题). My mother won’t allow me to play outside if I don’t ____________(完成) my homework. It’s a great ____________(成功) that she has finished all the courses at the college. They ____________(终于,最后) realized that the whole thing was a joke. He fell down and ____________(摔断) his leg. I told her how to get to the zoo, then she gave me a ____________(微笑). There is a little boy with a bad ____________(脾气) in our class. ----What dose the word “pardon” ____________(意思)? ----Say it again. I can’t follow you .Can you say that ____________(再次,又 )? I will ____________(仍然) be here when you come back. The ____________(距离) of 1500 km is such a long way. Children like listening to ____________(故事) when they go to bed. Everyone will be ____________(疲劳) after running Marathon. The village is at the _____________(脚下)of the mountain. Students should___________(养成,发展)good reading habits. 二、根据句意填短语(每空1分,共40分) 1. Money often________ me _______.(使我陷入困难) 2. She is __________ my teacher _________ (不是------而是------)my friend. 3. My boss went to Shanghai____________ (出差,办事)last Monday. 4. I don’t know _________ he will come ________.(是否) 5. She ________________(放弃)smoking last year. 6. I don’t ______________(同意,赞同) the manager of our company. 7. After he finished answering the questions, he ____________(接下来) do his English composition 8. The classroom ________________(装满)old desks and chairs. 9. Mum pointed at the broken window______________(生气)and said,“who broke it?” 10. ______________(即使)you said “sorry”, you would hurt your friend. 11.The boy ____________


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