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1、Title: Free trade with U.S.Europe balks at chlorine chicken, hormone beef.标题:(欧盟)与美国的自由贸易协定。欧洲阻止(美国的)氯鸡肉、荷尔蒙牛肉进口Lead: ROSTRENEN, France —?On a velvety green patch of the French countryside, organic farmer Jean Cabaret gave a little shudder.?A looming trade deal with the United States, he fears, may make his worst culinary nightmare come true: an invasion of Europe by American “Frankenfoods.”导语:在法国罗斯特雷南乡村的一块宜人绿地上,有机农场主珍卡巴莱感到不寒而栗。他担心,随着欧盟与美国的自由贸易协定即将完成,可能会使得他糟糕的烹饪噩梦成真:因为美国“转基因食物”将入侵欧洲。“Hormone-boosted beef. Chlorine-washed chicken. Genetically altered vegetables. This is what they want for us,” warned Cabaret, standing before his majestic herd of free-range cows. “In France, food is about pleasure, about taste. But in the United States, they put anything in their mouths. No, this must be stopped.”In Europe, this is a season of angst — even paranoia — over a historic bid to link the United States and the 28-nation European Union in the world’s largest free-trade deal.卡巴莱站在他众多的自由放养的牛群当中警告说“转基因牛肉、氯化鸡、转基因蔬菜,这就是他们想让我们得到的东西”。“在法国,食物是与快乐和品位息息相关的。但在美国,他们仅仅为了填饱肚子。这种状况必须停止。”在欧洲,这是一个最令人烦恼甚至恐惧的季节,美国和28国欧盟的世界上最大的自由贸易协议处在一个历史性的连接点上。2、Title: A year after Haiyans devastation, new typhoon threatens Philippines标题:超强台风海燕已经过去一年了,新一轮台风威胁着菲律宾 Lead: Typhoon Hagupits wind strength is equivalent to that of a strong Category 5 hurricane;It could hit the area around Tacloban devastated last year by Typhoon Haiyan;Im more than nervous, says one survivor of Haiyan whose family home was destroyed;Tens of thousands of people are still living in coastal areas considered to be danger zones。台风黑格比的风力强度相当于5级飓风;它可能袭击去年已经受到台风海燕侵袭的塔克洛班市周围地区;一名在台风海燕中幸存但家园已经被摧毁的人说:“我比上次更加感到紧张不安。”;成千上万的人仍然生活在这个已经被认为是危险地区的沿海地带。3、Apple — and Italy — can borrow money more cheaply than Uncle Sam苹果和意大利可以比美国政府以更低的成本借到钱Have financial markets lost their collective mind? In some ways, it’s starting to look like that. Here is the United States, whose bonds are the world’s safest investment, if only because the federal government c


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