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Ch1 1.Definition of Marketing: 2.Market Needs: Wants Demands: Needs - state of felt deprivation for basic items such as food and clothing and complex needs such as for belonging. i.e. I am thirsty Wants - form that a human need takes as shaped by culture and individual personality. i.e. I want a Coca-Cola. Demands - human wants backed by buying power. i.e. I have money to buy a Coca-Cola. Customer Value:Customer Value - benefit that the customer gains from owning and using a product compared to the cost of obtaining the product. Customer Satisfaction:Customer Satisfaction - depends on the product’s perceived performance in delivering value relative to a buyer’s expectations. Linked to Quality and Total Quality Management (TQM) Marketing Philosophies Production Concept Product Concept Selling Concept Marketing Concept Societal Marketing Concept Marketing Philosophies (1) Production Concept Assumes consumers want products that are available , highly affordable and low prices . (2)Product Concept (3) Selling Concept Assumes consumers will not buy enough product unless there is a strong sales and promotional effort. (4)The Marketing Concept Assumes that achieving the organization’s goals depends on determining and satisfying consumers 4.The marketing concept rests on four pillars: ?target market ?customer needs ?integrated marketing ?profitability A. Target Market To one company, it’s very important to identify and define the its target market . No company can operate successfully in every market because no product is for everybody, regardless of what the company says. Nor can the firm always do a good job within one broad market. Companies do best when they define their target markets and implement a tailored marketing program. B. Customer Needs A company can define its target but fail to correctly understand the customers’ needs. Understanding customer needs and wants is not always simple. Some customers have needs of which they are not fully co


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