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英译汉竞赛原文:On Irritability? 论易怒Irritability is the tendency to get upset for reasons that seem – to other people – to be pretty minor. Your partner asks you how work went and the way they ask makes you feel intensely agitated. Your partner is putting knives and forks on the table before dinner and you mention (not for the first time) that the fork should go on the left hand side, not the right. They then immediately let out a huge sigh and sweep the cutlery onto the floor and tell you that you can xxxx-ing do it yourself if you know better. It was the most minor of criticisms and technically quite correct. And now they’ve exploded.?易怒是因为各种原因而产生烦躁情绪的趋向,这似乎对其他人来说是相当次要的。你的搭档问你工作进行的怎样,并且询问的方式让你感到焦虑不安。晚餐之前,你的搭档把刀叉放在桌子上,你注意到叉子应当放在左手边而不是右边。(这已经不是第一次这样做)他们随后立刻发出一声长叹,把餐具扔到地板上,并告诉你如果你了解的话自己去做。这是最微弱的批评,技术上非常正确。现在他们已经暴露了。There is so much irritability around and it exacts a huge daily cost on our collective lives, so we deserve to get a lot more curious about it: what is really going on for the irritable person? Why, really, are they getting so agitated? And instead of blaming them for getting het up about “little things”, we should do them the honour of working out why, in fact, these things may not be so minor after all.有太多的易怒因素环绕周围,它在我们的日常集中生活中要求很大的日常支出,因此我们应该我们应对它产生很多好奇:对于易怒的人来说发生什么事?为什么,他们真的如此激动吗?而不是指责他们因为“小事”变得越来越激动,我们应该以他们的工作为荣,事实上,这些事情可能并没有那么小。?The journey begins by recognising the role of fear in irritability in couples. Behind most outbursts are cack-handed attempts to teach the other person something. There are things we’d like to point out, flaws that we can discern, remarks we feel we really must make, but our awareness of how to proceed is panicked and hasty. We give cack-handed, mean speeches, which bear no faith in the legitimacy (even the nobility) of the act of imparting advice. And when our partners are on the receiving end of these irritable “lessons”, they of course swiftly grow defensive and brittle in the face of suggestions which


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