“Hamlet” — The Voice of Humanism.doc

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“Hamlet” — The Voice of Humanism

?Hamlet?—The Voice of Humanism Abstract: The paper mainly illustrates Hamlet in Shakespeare’s Hamlet. Hamlet is the voice of humanism. The background is English Renaissance in the 16-17th century, especially the humanism in this period. In this paper “Hamlet Is the Voice of Humanism” is discussed from different angles. The paper consists of three parts. The first part gives a brief introduction to the social background of English Renaissance and the spirit of Humanism. The second part is the key part which presents Hamlet?the representative of humanism by analyzing Hamlet’s conception of humanism, his position in the society, his attitude towards his people and country, and his personal character and quality. The third part briefly states the limitation of Hamlet’s humanism and the significance of humanism to the modern society. Hamlet is the voice of humanism. He is the image of humanism. Though he meets the tragic fate finally, the significance of his humanist ideas is profound. According to humanist point of view, “people is of first importance” is still worthy in the 21th century Key words: Renaissance, humanism, melancholy, delay 摘 要:本论文主要论述的是莎士比亚的《哈姆雷特》中的人物—哈姆雷特。哈姆雷特是人文主义之声。其背景为16-17世纪的英国文艺复兴运动,尤其是其间的人文主义精神。 这篇论文通过不同的角度分别来论述“哈姆雷特是人文主义之声”。论文共分四个部分:第一部分介绍了英国文艺复兴的时代背景和人文主义的精神实质。第二部分是本文的核心内容,从分析汉姆雷特对人文主义的理解、在社会中的各种关系、对国家和人民的态度以及汉姆雷特本人的性格和品质来看,汉姆雷特是人文主义的代表。第三部分简单阐述了汉姆雷特人文主义的局限性及人文主义在当今世界的意义。 本论文是通过不同的方面、角度来阐述哈姆雷特是人文主义之声的。他是人文主义的代表,尽管他最终面对的是悲剧的命运,但是人文主义的意义却尤为深远。人文主义,“以人为本”在当今世界。在我们的现实社会中仍有不可低估的价值。 关键词:文艺复兴,人文主义,忧郁,延宕 Contents Abstract Introduction 1. The Background of the Renaissance 2. The Spirit of Humanism 3. Hamlet—the Representative of Humanism 3.1 The Relationships of Hamlet in the Society 3.2 The Attitude of Hamlet towards People and the Country 3.3 The Bravery and Intelligence of Hamlet 3.4 The Comments on Hamlet 4. The Limitation of Hamlet’s Humanism Conclusion Notes Bibliography Introduction Hamlet is considered to be the summit of Shak


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