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西 北 工 业 大 学 博 士 学 位 论 文 (学位研究生) 题目: 结构概率分析方法及其应用研究 作 者: 乔 红 威 学科专业: 飞行器设计 指导教师: 吕 震 宙 2009年6月 Research on theory and application of structural probabilistic analysis A Thesis Submitted for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy Qiao Hong-wei Academic Advisor: Professor Lu Zhen-zhou Northwestern Polytechnical University June 2009 摘要通用数字模拟算法 提出了基于混合分解HPRSM、SRSM、加权线性响应面法和加权非线性响应面法的可靠性优化设计方法。基于混合分解HPRSM以及SRSM的可靠性优化算法形成了单循环优化过程,而基于加权线性响应面法、加权非线性响应面法的可靠性优化设计形成了双循环优化过程,算例表明:所提的单循环可靠性优化在效率上具有极大优势,且要优于双循环过程可靠性优化算法。 SRSM对随机结构进行了动力特征值及灵敏度分析。该方法能够考察结构各参数的随机性对结构动力特征值的影响,并且具有较强的通用性。通过将复合随机振动问题转换成单随机问题的方法,研究了复合随机振动问题的动力响应及动力可靠性问题。采用算例验证了复合随机振动动力可靠性分析积分模型和常规可靠性模型的等效性,并指出了两种分析模型的优缺点。 建立了含裂纹结构概率分析模型。SRSM、HPRSM以及多点估计法aris公式出发,采用SRSM、HPRSM以及多种常规可靠性分析方法研究随机参数结构疲劳裂纹扩展寿命的可靠性及灵敏度。算例表明随机结构的疲劳裂纹扩展寿命具有分散性大、非正态性强的特点。 关键词: Abstract In engineering practice, a large number of errors and uncertainties existing in the material properties, geometry and loading of structures should be considered in structural analysis. This paper develops the theory of structure probabilistic uncertainty analysis, and studies the probability based design optimization, the dynamic analysis of stochastic structure and the fatigue, fracture analysis of stochastic structure. The major contributions are detailed as follows: For moments estimation of response function and reliability of structure,a novel Hermite Polynomials Response Surface Method(HPRSM) is proposed on Hermite integral. The proposed method uses the Hermite integral to calculate unknown coefficients in HPRSM. The decomposition approximation method is used to transform multi-dimensional Hermite integration into one dimensional integral, and the efficiency of HPRSM can be improved obviously. However, the precision of HPRSM is decreased. Based on the above problems, a hybrid decomposition HPRSM is proposed. The proposed method is more accurate than one-dimension integral based HPRSM and more efficient than multi-dimensional integral base


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