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Ready to rock until you drop?音乐节全攻略:这个夏天从摇滚开始The Labor Day holiday means another season of music festivals is coming. It’s time for music lovers in China to break out their festival gear and get ready for a blast. As usual, you can expect the cream of local artists along with a few international acts to deliver musical entertainment for days. But a good festival experience begins long before you watch that first musician take the stage. From planning and packing, to choosing a wardrobe style and actually being at the event, check out our 21 tips to make sure you have a rocking time.五一假期意味着又到音乐节扎堆的季节。对于中国乐迷而言,此时正是拿出节日盛装、准备肆意狂欢的节奏。同往常一样,令人期待的是本地杰出艺人与几位国际大咖携手带来数日的音乐盛宴。但想要体验一次绝佳的音乐节之旅,在开场表演之前,你要做好许多准备。从计划、打包、到挑选服饰风格,再到亲临现场,检查自己是否做到了以下21条,只有做好充足准备才能嗨翻现场!It’s best to go prepared行前准备1. After getting your ticket, study the festival schedule as soon as possible. Besides checking on the location, transportation arrangements and musicians to see, you can also plan your arrival time to avoid missing your favorite band even if you’re stuck in traffic or busy setting up tents.音乐节门票到手后,尽早研究节目单。除了再次核查音乐节的场地、交通和出场乐队和歌手,你也可以提前规划到达时间,以免因为堵车、忙于搭帐篷等原因错过最喜欢的乐队表演。2. The Internet is your friend here. Schedules and updates (sudden band cancellations and delays) may appear on the event website, so check often.网络能够助你一臂之力。最新的节目安排,如乐队演出突然取消和延迟的通知可能会出现在活动网站上,需时时关注。Take everything you need需要携带的物品清单You may not consider all these items to be necessary, but it’s better to be overprepared than underprepared. On to the checklist:或许你觉得这些东西不一定都有用,但正所谓“有备无患”。以下是物品清单:3. Lightweight towel: Music festivals can get messy. With a towel you can sit down for a rest anywhere, or dry yourself off if things get wet.便携毛巾:音乐节的场面可能会乱作一团,随身携带毛巾,就可以随地自如的坐下来休息。如果东西弄湿了,还可以用来擦拭干净。4. Cash: Most transactions will require cash. There may be ATMs, but expect long lines.现金:大多时候买东西要用现金。可以到自动取款机取钱,不过估计要大排长龙。5. Spray-on sunscreen: Spray is quicker than lotion and gives you better coverage.防晒喷雾:同乳液相比,防晒喷雾使用更方便,防晒效果更佳。6. Poncho: Li


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