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短文写作的造句 英语每日一课---短文写作的造句 短文写作的造句 句子是能够表达完整意思, 在语法上可以独立运用的基本语言单位。一篇文章是一组由语义相关的句子组成, 句子的好坏直接影响到一篇作文的质量。要写好研究生入学考试的作文, 也必须从句子开始, 多下功夫, 不断练习。 一、语 法 规 范 任何一个句子, 尤其是书面语的句子, 首先要做到合乎语法规范, 如主谓结构完整、主谓一致、正确的时态、语态以及其他语法规则。例如: 例1. A series of debates between the two lecturers were scheduled for the next weekend. (were、was) 例2. There are many students play football on the sports ground. (play、playing) 例3. People there are not rich to purchase a car. (People there are not rich enough to purchase a car.) 例4. It is incredible to many people. Cigarette smokers spend money for illness. (It is incredible to many people that cigarette smokers spend money for illness.) 例5. There is a teacher I shall always remember. Because she has a sweet voice and a pleasant smile. (There is a teacher I shall always remember because she has a sweet voice and a pleasant smile.) 另外, 在造句时尤其要避免犯溶合句的错误, 所谓的溶合句是指两个或两个以上的句子没有适当的标点符号或连接词而溶合在一起。例如: He does not speak too rapidly, his voice is loud, it can be heard by everyone in the classroom. 应修改为: He does not speak too rapidly and his voice is so loud that it can be heard by everyone in the classroom. 二、一 致 性 句子的一致性在此主要是指意思的完整性, 也就是说, 一个句子所表达的应该是一个相对完整的意思。例如: 例1. Bicycles are so popular in China. 这是一个意义很不完整的句子, 我们应该对它再做进一步的补充说明, 修改成: Bicycles are so popular in China that almost every family has at least one. 例2. Born in London in 1921, he grew up to be a physicist. 句子所陈述的两项事实之间的关系不密切, 缺乏一致性。应改为: He was born in London in 1921. 匜inally he became a physicist. 例3. Many students go to school and live at home. In this way combining the advantages of both school and home. 由于标点符号的误用, 使得短语被作为一个独立的句子看待, 影响了句子的一致性, 可以改为: Many students go to school and live at home, in this way combining the advantages of both school and home. 三、连 贯 性 句子的连贯性是指句子的成分之间连接正确, 条理清楚, 整体结构自然流畅, 融会贯通。句子的连贯性包含两层含义: 句子各部分意义上的连贯和句子各部分之间结构上的连贯。在使用复合句时, 最容易犯连贯性差的错误。一个句子可以表达两个或多层意思, 但各层意思之间必须具有一定的内在联系和逻辑关系, 如果将两个完全不同的思想置于同一个句子中, 用并列关系或从属关系表示, 则完全破坏了句子的连贯性。而且, 在使用复合句时, 必须弄清句子要表达的主要思想和次要思想, 并摆好主次之



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