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福建农业学报21( 4) : 346~ 349, 2006 : 1008- 0384 ( 2006) 04- 0 34 6- 04
F uj ian Journal of A g ricultural Sciences
1 1 2
胡润芳 , 薛珠政 , 唐永晖
( 1 , 3500 13; 2 , 350500)
: CT A B DN A , RA PD 13
, 80 11 , 66 , 50 ,
7576% D= 046 , 2 ,
: ; RA PD; ;
: S 64614 : A
RAPD analysis on Pl eurot us nebrod ensis ( Inzengae) QuLstrains
1 1 2
HU Run ang , XU E Zhuzheng , T A NG Yo nghui
( 1I ns titute of Crop S ciences, Fuj ian A cademy of A gricultural Sciences, Fuz hou, F uj ian 3500 13, China;
2L ianj iang S eed Comp any , L ianj iang, Fuj ian 350500, China)
Abstract: T otal genome DN A o Pne rodens is my celium w as extr acted by CT A B and the g enet ic r elatio nship s a
mo ng 13 P ne rodensis strains w ere analyzed by RA PD11 primer s o 80 rando m primers pro duced stable re
sultsAmo ng 66 bands obtained r om 11 pr imer s, 50 bands w ere polymo rphic bands w hich occupied 7576% o the
total ampli ied bandsClu ster analy sis sho w ed that the materials co uld be div ided into 2 g ro up s at the lev el o D =
04 6, w hich ev idently show ed that the unnelshaped ruitbody w it h a lo ng er st em strains w ere gr ouped to gether,
the ho rseshoe o r palmshaped r uitbo dy w ith a v ery sho rt stem strains w ere g rouped to gether. T he clu ster analysis
o var ieties r ev ealed the relationships among Pne rod ensis stra ins .
Key words: Pleurotus ne rod ensis