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自学考试本科毕业论文 题目: 浅析如何当一名合格的土建施工员 (格式统一,封面用A3幅面纸打印) 宋体) 学 院: 专 业: 学 号: 学生姓名: 指导教师: 日 期: 摘 要 土建工程施工过程中,施工员必须先了解自己的岗位职责和工作内容,简单的来说是了解图纸,对各工种进行分析、施工工序安排、技术交底等,给各工程班组提供定位轴线,在施工当中如遇图纸与现场不符应及时上报,在项目经理的领导开展工作,贯彻安全第一,参加竣工验收等。这些基本工作对一个施工员来说很重要。而且在建筑施工过程中,土建工程施工质量是工程建设的核心,是决定工程安全性能的关键,是实现工程施工三大控制的重点。他对提高工程项目的经济效益、社会效益和环境效益均具有重大意义。 近年来,国家颁布了一系列关于土建施工现场管理工作的方针政策,给土建技术管理工作提出了更高的要求。土建施工员作为工程项目的直接执行者,需要用长远眼光考虑工作,依托现实,利用技术解决经营方面的问题,优化管理策略,从而实现城市规划的目的。 本文通过前言、续言、结语的因果论证方法,分析事理,又通过举例子,作对比等方法阐述了土建工程结构的耐久安全性。以求土建结构的完善性、安全性以及耐久性都应符合相应的标准。论证了土建工程的现实重要性,从而得出了当一名合格的土建施工员在面对的各种工种难题,大量学科问题,诸多学术性问题,需要由点到面,又由面到空间,点线面结合的管理策略方式组织落实到每一个工程上去。 关键词: 土建工程; 土建工程施工质量; 施工现场管理; 管理策略;土建结构的安全性与耐久性。 Abstract Civil engineering construction process, construction must first understand their own responsibilities and working content, simple to understand drawings; on the various types of analysis, construction process, technology, etc; to the engineering team to provide orientation; in the construction case of drawings and site discrepancy should be reported immediately; in the project managers leadership begins the work, carry out the safety first; to participate in the completion of acceptance. The basic work of a construction is very important. Moreover, in the course of construction, civil engineering construction quality is the core of project, project safety performance is key, is to achieve the construction target of three control control key. He works projects to improve the economic benefits, social benefits and environmental benefits are of great significance. In recent years, the state has enacted a series of civil construction on site management policies, to the construction technical management job raised taller requirement. Civil construction as project direct implementation, need to consider working with long-term vision, Based on the reality, using technology to solve business problems, the optimal management strategy, in order to achieve the purpose of city planning.


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