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L. V. Technology Public Company Limited 总经理:Hans Jorgen Nielsen Tel : +66 2 7170835-40 ext. 212 Fax : +66 2 7170841 公司地址: L. V. Technology Public Company Limited 719 KPN Tower, 9th Floor (Zone CD) Rama IX Road Bangkapi, Huaykwang Bangkok 10310, Thailand 1 L.V.工程技术(天津)有限公司 总经理:付君武 先生 Tel: +86 22FAX: +86 22E-mail:hxdfu@ 副总经理:谢克平 先生 Tel: +86 22FAX: +86 公司地址:天津市北辰区双发大厦28门702室 2 Product Summary本公司服务内容 Modification of Vertical Roller mills - LV Classifier 立磨选粉机LV技术的改造 Modification of Ball Mills - LV Classifier + Fluidized Bed 球磨机LV选粉机与流态化床技术改造 Modification of cyclones - LV Cyclone - Increase of inlet area 旋风筒的改造:LV旋风筒 并增加入口面积 Total kiln upgrades and NOx reduction -Calciner modifications 窑的升级与降低NOX_ Vertical Mill Installations - Mitsubishi VRM with LV Classifier 立磨安装-使用LV选粉机的 Plant evaluations and consultancy 工厂评价与咨询 3 LV Classifier  LV选粉机 The concept of the separator is to improve the gas and material flow in vertical mills by: 改进立磨选粉机气流与物流靠: · Unique design of guide vanes - LV pocket 独特的LV气室导向叶片设计 · Unique design of rotor · The design of the grit funnel 独特的转子设计 粗料漏斗重新设计 The concept is based on the idea: 上述概念的基础思想: Allow more material to be directed to the classifier by optimising the gas speed . 通过优化气流速度让更多的物料直接进入选粉机。 Avoid fines returning to the grinding table and excessive internal material circulation in the mill body by installation of the LV Pocket. LV气室能避免细粉返回磨盘,减少磨内物料循环。 Decreases the pressure loss in the mill body and separator. An effect of the reduction of internal material circulation. 减少磨内及选粉机压损,减少物料内部循环的影响。 5 Forces Involved In LV-Classifier LV选粉机所涉及的力 Draft force 风的拉力 Centrifugal force离心力 Gravity force 重力  7 Guide vanes and Rotor 导向阀片和转子 ROTATION Guide Vane LV Pocket ROTOR 8 LV Pocket Vane Arrangement LV气室布置及原理 9 LV-Classifier –Material Flow LV选粉机料流 11 Benefits of LV Classifier LV选粉机的受益 High efficiency in any good classifier means 任何优秀选粉机的高效意味着——细粉中没有粗粉 NO COARSE IN FINES


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