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毕 业 设 计(论 文) 外 文 文 献 译 文 及 原 文 学 生: 王帅 学 号: 200806010123 院 (系): 电气于信息工程学 专 业: 电气工程及其自动化 指导教师: 宋玲芳 2012 年 月 日 Application of the Power Flow Calculation Method to Islanding Micro Grids Y.H. Liu. Z.Q. Wu, S.J Lin, N. P. Brandon Abstract:Most existing power flow calculation methods use a swing bus as a reference node for the whole system Increasingly. new distributed generation resources (DGRs) are being added to the grid. Sometimes, local demand or failure of the grid can result in independent micro-grids forming, which are known as islanding systems Howcver. current DGRs are often limited such that there is no single DGR which can balance the power demand and stabilize the frequency of the micro-grid, meaning that there is no swing bus from which the microgrid can bemanaged. According to existing research. a DGR coupled with a dcdicated cnergy storage .system and suitable control stratcgy (here termed a distributcd generation (DG system) has the ability to adjust its output. This means that a DG system can respond dynamically to grid events. This means that a DG .system can rcspond dynamically to grid events. In this paper. a new power flow calculation method (based on Newton-Raphson power flow solution) with good convergence is proposed that can accommodate the lack of a swing bus in an islanding system. This addresses power flow results and the frequency ofthe whole system. The method proposed is discussed in detail with cxamples of diffcrent DG systems with various adjustment coefficients and load models.The results arc compared with those of a traditional power flow calculation mcthod based around the use of a swing bus. In conclusion, this paper shows that the improved method is more apprpriate for islanding systems with mesh topology and for micro-grid management wihtno swing bus. Index Terms--Distributed Generation; Islandi


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