广东省高考英语说考试 模仿朗读广东省高考英语听说考试 模仿朗读.ppt

广东省高考英语说考试 模仿朗读广东省高考英语听说考试 模仿朗读.ppt

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广东省高考英语说考试 模仿朗读广东省高考英语听说考试 模仿朗读

Reading skill: some words that you may not know Natural medicines, made from flowers, seeds, roots and leaves. The Chinese were the first to discover the power of plants, making medicine for 4000 years. Focus on prevention rather than cure. Popular today in the east and the west. Healthy for mind, body and soul. Past and present, tribal people always made the most of nature. Explorers and botanists made them available to the rest of the world. Western and traditional medicine unite, returning to more natural cures. Copy their chemicals or use them direct. When they fail, we go back to nature for the next magic cure. Reading skill: Stess(重读) 1. 词的重读 单音节: seeds, leaves, east, first, world, year, roots, plants, past, fail, soul, most, west,best, cure 双音节 flower, power, rather, nature, healthy,body,copy, tribal, people, magic, focus, present, western; return, today, unite, Chinese, direct 多音节 chemical, natural, medicine, botanist, popular explorer, discover, prevention, available,traditional Reading skill: Stress(重读) 2. 句子的重读 Natural medicines, made from flowers, seeds, roots and leaves. The Chinese were the first to discover the power of plants, making medicine for 4000 years. Focus on prevention rather than cure. Popular today in the east and the west. Healthy for mind, body and soul. Past and present, tribal people always made the most of nature. Explorers and botanists made them available to the rest of the world. Western and traditional medicine unite, returning to more natural cures. Copy their chemicals or use them direct. When they fail, we go back to nature for the next magic cure. Reading skill: Reduction (弱读) made from /fr?m/ flowers, The Chinese were / w?t / the first to /t?/ discover the power of /?f/ plants, making medicine for /f?/ 4000 years. made the most of /?f/ nature. the rest of /?f/ the world. Reading skill: Liaision(连读) 1. Natural medicines, made from


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