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Recycled Fiber and Deinking(下)
Chapter 10 Papermaking potential of recycled fiber
increase layer-to-layer slippage when winding a reel. If low kinetic friction (sliding) of newsprint
increase layer-to-layer slippage when winding a reel. If low kinetic friction (sliding) of newsprint
coincides with a high density of a wound reel for example, it might lead to crepe wrinkles8484..
coincides with a high density of a wound reel for example, it might lead to crepe wrinkles
Calcium soaps of the flotation process also adhere to fibers. Retention of this surfactant onCalcium soaps of the flotation process also adhere to fibers. Retention of this surfactant on
fibers is a combination of mechanical entrapment and adsorption. It is the result of the balancefibers is a combination of mechanical entrapment and adsorption. It is the result of the balance
between van der Waals, electrostatic, and hydrodynamic forces. These retention phenomenabetween van der Waals, electrostatic, and hydrodynamic forces. These retention phenomena
were studied by Papricanwere studied by Paprican8585 with pure fatty acid soaps and fibers. Fatty acids (FA) in sodium soap with pure fatty acid soaps and fibers. Fatty acids (FA) in sodium soap
form were found to be present within fiber walls. When calcium ions were added to sodiumform were found to be present within fiber walls. When calcium ions were added to sodium
soap-containing stock, no fatty acids entrapped within the cell wall structure were observed.soap-containing stock, no fatty acids entrapped within the cell wall structure were observed.
Calcium soap forms large particles that can only reside outside the fiber for dimensional reasonsCalcium soap forms large particles that can only reside outside the fiber for dimensional reasons
as Fig. 39 shows.as Fig. 39 shows.
Figure 39 presents dimensions of both fatty acid soaps in relation to fiber wall structureFigure 39 presents dimensions of both fatty acid soaps in relation to fiber wall structure