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DOI :10.13959/j.issn.1003 -2398.2002.05.013
17 5 Vol.17, No.5
2002 10 HUMAN GEOGRAPHY Oct.2002
:1003—2398 (2002)05—0055—05
(, 100037)
TIAN Zhi-mei
(Geog rap hy D ep ar tm en t, Cap ital Norm a l Un iversity , B eij ing 100037, China )
Abstract:Both sports and geography are spatial sciences.The geographical concept of space and place
are central to not only a definition of sport ut also to an enhanced understanding of sport ssignifi-
cance.As an epiphenomenona, sport is marginalized in economic, cultural and physical studies.There
are signs that in the last tw o decades a su -discipline called sports geography has arrived.
Space and place, w hich oth sports and geographical concerns, are dealed w ith as a cutting-in
point in sports-geographic approaches.This paper introduces the progress in sports geography and
analyses the relation ship etw een sports and geography .Afterw ards, a conceptual framew ork for geo-
graphic studies of sports culture is provided.Basing on the framew ork, the key realm and core content
a out sports geography are discussed:sports geography is concern with the exploration of sports cul-
ture and how the spatial distri ution of sport has changed over time—the origin and spatial diffusion of
sports culture;spatial organization and optimal location selection of sports activities;the different char-
acter of sports culture in different region;the changing character of the sports landscape and the mak-
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