analysis error 错误分析课件.ppt

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analysis error 错误分析课件

Error Analysis 1. Background Not all errors are caused by the interference of the mother tongue, CA cannot account for all errors. By the end of 1960s it was gradually replaced by a new respective of learner errors----- Non-contrastive error analysis, which provides a wide coverage of errors than CA . The term Error Analysis is often used to describe this perspective. Richards’ paper :A non-contrastive approach to error analysis (1971) clearly showed the shift towards EA . The major claim is that many errors made by second language learners are caused by other factors other than native language interference. Richards is interested in errors whose origins are found within the structure of English itself or the way it is taught. 4. Classification of errors Richards identifies four general types of intralingual errors 1.过度泛化性错误(overgeneralization) 2.规则限制无知性错误(ignorance of rule restrictions) 3. 规则非完整应用性错误(Incomplete amplification of rules) 4.概念假设性错误(False concepts hypothesized) 1.过度泛化性错误(overgeneralization) 语言学习者在概括某些语言规则时由于概括得不恰如其分而产生的错误 例如,有的学习者把动词变过去式规则归纳为在所有动词后都加-ed,其把规则动词过去式形式的变化规则扩展到不规则动词上,如I cutted my finger. 例如,把可数名词变复数规则归纳为:在所有名词后加-s, I found two mouses. 2.规则限制无知性错误(ignorance of rule restrictions) 即由于学习者不知道或是忽略了某些规则的限制条件而在应用中产生的错误。 如: He lets me to come in first. I make him to do it. 在这里学习者忽略了make和 let 后面应直接接动词原形,而不能接to+v。 (这里也可以说是过度泛化性错误, He wanted her to come early. 学习者可能是认为want +to+v, 因此其他动词也应是这样的。) 3. 规则非完整应用性错误(incomplete amplification of rules) 该错误主要涉及规则的缺损。 如He asked me when was I going to school tomorrow. 显示学习者掌握了疑问句主谓要倒置的规则,但是忽视了作宾语从句的疑问句不需倒置的规则。整体来说对疑问句的语序规则还没有完全掌握。 4.概念假设性错误(False concepts hypothesized) 学习者未能充分理解甚至误解了目的语中的某些规则。 例如,有的学习者认为,was / were 是英语句子过去式的标志,因此会产生这样的句子: One day it was happened that two dogs ran into my house. They were danced in the party last night. 这说明学习者对过去式的理解还不是很充分。 2. In terms of the nature of errors Recognition If the sen


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