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编号 贵州亚泰职业学院 毕业论文 题 目 网络故障诊断设计 姓 名 杨 雄 学 号 12850091557 专 业 计算机网络技术 指导老师 杨 先 友 二〇一一年四月 摘 要 故障管理是计算机网络的管理最基本、最重要的功能。 网络故障管理进行研究,并提出了网络故障管理智能化的方法,为网络故障智能化的进一步发展奠定了基础。 一个网络管理系统有五大功能域:故障管理、配置管理、性能管理、计费管理和安全管理其中,故障管理是最基本,也是最重要的功能。目的是保证网络能够连续可靠地运行。如果网络服务意外中止,将会对生产、生活造成很大影响,这就需要一套科学的故障管理策略,及时发现故障、排除故障。 现在一些网管软件趋向于将专家系统等人工智能技术引入到网络故障诊断和排除中。提高网络故障的智能水平有助于网络高效、可靠地运行。网络管理的智能化也是发展的必然趋势。为此本文针对网络故障智能化管理进行研究,并提出了建立事件知识库提高故障管理的智能水平的方法,为网络故障智能化的进一步发展奠定了基础。 关键词:网络 设备故障管理 影响因素 Abstract Fault management is the management of computer networks, the most basic and important functions. ???? Network fault management research, and proposed intelligent network fault management approach for the further development of intelligent network fault basis. A network management system has five functional domains: fault management, configuration management, performance management, accounting management and security management which, fault management is the most basic and most important functions. Purpose is to ensure continuous and reliable operation of the network can be. If an unexpected termination of network services will be on production and living a great impact, which requires a scientific failure management strategies, timely detection of failures, troubleshooting. ????? Now, some network management software tend to be artificial intelligence expert system technology into the network fault diagnosis and exclusion of. Increase network intelligence failures help network efficient and reliable operation. The development of intelligent network management is an inevitable trend. To this end this paper, intelligent management of network faults, and proposed the establishment of event knowledge to improve the level of intelligent fault management approach for the further development of intelligent network failure laid the foundation. Keywords: network


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