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分 类 号 学 号 N3070820215 毕业设计(论文) 生态建筑中植物景观运用的思考 学院名称 规划与生态学院 专业名称 生态学 学生姓名 付鹏远 指导教师 董立东 2010年4月 生态建筑中植物景观运用的思考 学生姓名:付鹏远 指导老师:董立东 摘 要 本课题首先分析植物景观形成的生态空间与生态建筑的联系,并对植物绿化作为建筑中生态设计要素的未来趋势和表现形式做出论述和展望。其次从绿色植物的生态作用、视觉效果和所蕴含的人文内涵等方面说明了植物绿化在建筑环境中的作用,进一步阐明建筑绿化的具体运用形式和方法(包括室内和室外)以及在具体应用中应该注意的问题,并介绍了绿色植物带来的一些负面影响,强调在生态建筑中要有选择地合理地引进植物,探讨解决不利影响的方法,使绿化本身在强大的技术后盾支持下,在建筑环境中(室内和室外)形成更具有整体性的完整的植物群落,以发挥更大的生态和环境效益,达到建筑与植物景观所形成生态空间的动态平衡,使建筑与自然相互融合和谐共存。最后论文指出植物景观绿化可操作性的重要性,再次阐明,如运用得当,植物与建筑融合这一建筑设计思想必然成为未来建筑发展的趋势。 关键词:生态建筑 建筑环境 建筑绿化 植物运用 The thinking of the plant landscape use in ecological architecture Author: Fu Feng Yuan Tutor: Dong Li Dong Abstract This topic first analysis of landscape plant formation of ecological space and ecological building of plant virescence links, and ecological design elements as building the future trends and expressional form make discusses and prospect. Secondly from green plants, ecological functions of the visual effect and humanities connotation contains such aspects that the plant virescence role in building environment, this paper further expound the specific application of architectural greening forms and methods (including indoor and outdoor) and should pay attention to in the application, and introduces the green plants bring some negative influences of ecological architecture, emphasizes to selectively introduced plants, rationally discussed methods of solving adverse effect, make afforest itself in strong technical backing support, in architectural environment (indoor and outdoor) form is more holistic complete plant communities to play more ecological and environmental benefits, achieve building and plant landscape ecological space formed by the dynamic balance, make building and natural mutual confluence harmonious coexistence. In conclusion, this essay points out that plant landscaping mane


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