Intrinsic Motivation - HighScope内在动机高瞻计.ppt

Intrinsic Motivation - HighScope内在动机高瞻计.ppt

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Intrinsic Motivation - HighScope内在动机高瞻计

* * * * * * * * The Importance of Play in Brain Development Play allows children to: Explore, create, develop imagination Discover their own areas of interest. Learn how to work together Build active, healthy bodies and brains. * HOW PRESCHOOLERS’ THINKING DIFFERS FROM ADULT THINKING Egocentrism Young children see the world only from their own view point. “If I can’t see you, you can’t see me.” “I would like a doll for my birthday so my mom should want one too.” * Animism If something moves (e.g., water, clothes flapping in the breeze) or if it somehow looks alive (e.g., headlights of a car at night), it must be alive. “Look, the water is running to get in my shoes.” * Concrete Definitions Words have concrete, literal meanings related to things children have experienced. When a child hears that his birthday is “just around the corner,” he may want to look around the corner. * Judging By Appearances Children base judgments about number and amount completely on appearances. Alicia and Monica both took the same size cracker from the basket, but Alicia broke hers into two pieces and Monica broke hers into many smaller pieces. Alicia is upset because Monica has “more crackers.” * Focus on Here and Now Children cannot see the relationship between the way something was and how it’s transformed – sometimes called “slide show thinking.” A child watches her brother put on a scary mask. The child is then scared of the “monster” because she cannot make a connection between her brother and the “monster.” * Blending Intuitive and Scientific Thought Children incorporate newly-learned scientific information with their own perception. Melanie’s mother says, “It’s morning.” Melanie replies, “No, it’s still dark, it’s night.” She goes to the window and pulls open the curtain. “Now it’s light. I made it morning.” * What Characteristic is This? * What Characteristic is This? * What Characteristic is This? * What Characteristic is This? * What Characteristic is This? * T



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