[八年级英语]Y山东省茌平县博平镇中学八年级英语Module8《unit1 It’s the last day before the new school year begins》课件.ppt

[八年级英语]Y山东省茌平县博平镇中学八年级英语Module8《unit1 It’s the last day before the new school year begins》课件.ppt

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[八年级英语]Y山东省茌平县博平镇中学八年级英语Module8《unit1 It’s the last day before the new school year begins》课件

Teaching Aims 1、Learn some knowledge about May Day 2、Understand the dialogue 3、Talk about public holidays. 4、Grasp some knowledge points. 5、Tell the students labour is the most valuable.(告诉学生劳动是最有价值的) The new words labour 劳动 Labour Day 劳动节(五一节) celebrate 庆祝 while 当---时候 vacation 假期 休假 season 季节 as soon as 一---就--- Say out the date Public holidays in China Listen to the tape and answer the questions 1、What festival are they talking about? 2、Do people in the UK celebrate May Day? 3、Is May day the same date in different countries? 4、What is Betty going to do for the May Day holiday? Important sentences: 1. It’s the last day before the new school year begins. 2.When September comes, it starts to get cooler. 3.We also go back to school as soon as the May Day holiday is over. 这是由when、 before、 as soon as引导的时间状语从句,表示事件发生的时间,在句中做状语。 Language points: 1、Do you do anything special? 2、We go camping or have a picnic somewhere nice, 注意:形容词修饰由some any no等构成的不定代词时须后置 Have a try: 1.Please give me _____ _____(一些好吃的东西)。 A. something of delicious B. delicious something C. something delicious D. anything delicious 2.I want to ____ _____ (温暖的地方)to travel. A. anywhere warm B. warm somewhere C. warm anywhere D. somewhere warm 3. He doesn’t have ___ ___(重要的事情) today. A. something important B. important something C. anything important Free talk May Day is coming. Think about the May Day holiday. What are you going to do for the May Day holiday? Labour is the most valuable. Labour people is the most lovely. We should love labour and respect labour people. Sing the song Happy May Day Happy May Day Happy May Day to you all Let’s help our parents Happy May Day to you all * Unit 1 It’s the last day before the new school year begins. 博平中学 May Day Labour Day 劳动节 labour 劳动 We will take a vacation. vacation 假期 休假 There are many fireworks to celebrate National Day. celebrate 庆祝 There are four seasons in a year. Th


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