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发展历程 Background and evolution 发展历程 Background and evolution 法律、法规 Laws and administrative procedures 《中华人民共和国环境影响评价法》Environmental Impact Assessment Act 2003 首次明确了环评中公众参与的法律地位,并且对公众参与的时段、方式和公众意见的处理进行了初步规定。 the methods of how to do it, and how to deal with the comments from public have been prescribed 法律、法规 Laws and administrative procedures 《中华人民共和国环境影响评价法》Environmental Impact Assessment Act 2003 《中华人民共和国环境影响评价法》第五条规定“国家鼓励有关单位、专家和公众以适当方式参与环境影响评价” The Law of Environmental Impact Assessment states in section 5 that “Government encourages relevant stakeholders, experts and publics to participate in the EIA process through appropriate means.” 法律、法规 Laws and administrative procedures 《中华人民共和国环境影响评价法》Environmental Impact Assessment Act 2003 第十一条规定“专项规划的编制机关对可能造成不良环境影响并直接涉及公众环境权益的规划,应当在该规划草案报送审批前,举行论证会、听证会,或者采取其他形式,征求有关单位、专家和公众对环境影响报告书草案的意见。但是,国家规定需要保密的情形除外。编制机关应当认真考虑有关单位、专家和公众对环境影响报告书草案的意见,并应当在报送审查的环境影响报告书中附具对意见采纳或者不采纳的说明”。 As for the Planning EIA, in section 11, it prescribes that “If the Special Planning has potential effects on environment and the public environmental right will be concerned, the drafting department should carry out public consultation, such as technical review meetings, public hearings or other form of communication to gather comments from stakeholders, experts, and the general public before the draft of Special Planning is submitted, except for confidential projects identified by the PRC government. The drafting department should consider suggestions from stakeholders, experts, and the general public, and should state the reasons of adoption or refusal in the final EIA report for review. 法律、法规 Laws and administrative procedures 《环境影响评价公众参与暂行办法》Temporary Methods of Public Consultation for EIA 2006 就项目环评中公众参与的程序、公开的环境信息、征求公众意见的方式、公众意见的处理等进行了详细的规定,标志着中国环评的公众参与制度走向了规范化道路,是公众参与制度成长过程中的重要文件。 lists detailed requirements for public consultation for EIA regarding public participation procedures, environmental information disclo


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