美国环保法律原文 Regulations 40_CFR_51_subpart_W_CAA.pdf

美国环保法律原文 Regulations 40_CFR_51_subpart_W_CAA.pdf

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美国环保法律原文 Regulations 40_CFR_51_subpart_W_CAA

Environmental Protection Agency § 51.850 (2) For programs which require pri- tion 113(c)(2), which provides for fines vate and/or public entities to establish and imprisonment of up to 2 years. emission-related economic incentives (e.g., programs requiring employers to § 51.494 Use of program revenues. exempt carpoolers/multiple occupancy Any revenues generated from statu- vehicles from paying for parking), tory EIP’s shall be used by the State States shall furnish adequate docu- for any of the following: mentation of State authority and ad- (a) Providing incentives for achieving ministrative capacity to implement emissions reductions. and enforce the underlying program. (b) Providing assistance for the de- (i) Enforcement mechanisms. The pro- velopment of innovative technologies gram shall contain a compliance in- for the control of O3 air pollution and strument(s) for all program require- for the development of lower-polluting ments, which is legally binding and solvents and surface coatings. Such as- State and federally enforceable. This sistance shall not provide for the pay-


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