
欧盟关于可追溯性Traceability方面的讲座PPT 03_d_yard_traceability_presentation_11.10.06.ppt

欧盟关于可追溯性Traceability方面的讲座PPT 03_d_yard_traceability_presentation_11.10.06.ppt

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欧盟关于可追溯性Traceability方面的讲座PPT 03_d_yard_traceability_presentation_11.10.06

Food Traceability Incidents David Yard Head of Incidents Branch Food Standards Agency Traceability Does not make food safe- it is a risk management tool used to contain food safety problems Ensures targeted or accurate withdrawals/recalls can be undertaken, appropriate information can be given to consumers and food businesses and unnecessary disruption of trade can be avoided Legal Basis for Traceability of Food EC Regulation 178/2002 Article 18 18(1)Traceability of food, feed food producing animals shall be established at all stages of production, processing and distribution 18(2/3) Have in place systems and procedures to identify businesses that have supplied them or who they have sold to. Legal basis for traceability of food (contd) 18(3) information shall be made available to competent authorities on demand 18(4) food placed on market shall be adequately labelled or identified to facilitate its traceability- includes documentation What does this mean in practice? EC guidance on the implementation of General Food Law 178/2002 Traceability requirement relies on one step back and one step forward approach. Do not have to record immediate customers if final consumers Does not extend to food business operators in third countries What does this mean in practice? (contd) ‘Internal traceability’ ie the matching up of all inputs to outputs is not a legal requirement of Regulation 178/2002 No requirement to establish such a link or to keep records of how batches are split FBOs should be encouraged to develop internal traceability systems- the level of detail should be left to FBO commensurate with nature size of business The Food Incidents Branch Deal with approx 1500 incidents a year Chemical, Microbiological and physical contamination Examples include: Allergens - (nut, milk contamination) Chemicals - (cleaning compounds) Illegal Additives - (Sudan, Para Red) Irradiated Foods - (vitamin supplements) Microbiological - (salmonella) Environmental - (fires) Physical -


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