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报告的主要内容 Contents 2008年中国乳业面临的形势分析 Situation Analysis of 2008 Chinese Dairy Industry 国内乳品行业存在的主要问题 Major Issues in Chinese Dairy Industry 练好“内功”,迎接挑战 Building “Inner Strength” to Meet Challenges 形势严峻:外资乳企将大举进入 Tough Challenge: Foreign Dairy Enterprises Flood into Chinese Market 至2001年,世界排名前20位的乳业品牌通过不同渠道已全部进入中国 By 2001, all world’s top 20 dairy brands have entered the Chinese market through various channels 外资乳业公司在中国市场的竞争绩效并不明显 Foreign dairy enterprises don’t have much competitive edge in Chinese market 形势严峻:外资乳企将大举进入 Tough Challenge: Foreign Dairy Enterprises Flood into Chinese Market 2008年的形势发生了变化 Changes in 2008 经过近两年的调整,中国奶业正在从数量型向质量型转变,正在迎来健康、稳定的黄金阶段 After a 2 years’ adjustment featured by a shift from quantity oriented to quality oriented, Chinese dairy industry is expecting a golden era with sound and steady development 利润空间小,小企业很难继续生存 Narrow profit margin makes it difficult for small businesses to survive 新的政策提高了从业门槛 New policies raise industry entry threshold 2008年外资企业的举动 Moves of Foreign Dairy Enterprises in 2008 韩国东远集团打算在山东威海建设奶牛养殖和乳品加工企业 Dongwon Group of South Korea plans to set up a dairy cattle raising base and dairy processing corporations in Weihai, Shandong 日本朝日啤酒株式会社和伊藤忠商事株式会社宣布两家公司共同设立“山东朝日绿源乳业有限公司” Asahi Breweries and Itochu Corporation of Japan announced the establishment of Shandong Asahi Lvyuan Dairy Co., Ltd 2008年外资企业的举动 Moves of Foreign Dairy Enterprises in 2008 韩国每日乳业公司开始进入中国市场 Maeil Dairy of South Korea starts entering Chinese market 达能(中国): Danone China: 收购妙士乳业 Purchased Miaoshi Dairy 控股新希望乳业 Holds majority shares of Newhope Dairy 形势展望 Outlook 未来若干年内,外资乳企在中国市场的比重将大大提高 Foreign dairy enterprises will take a bigger share in Chinese market in the new few years 在高端乳品市场,外资乳企的话语权会越来越大 Foreign dairy enterprises will have a bigger say in high-end dairy market 软肋:我国乳业存在的主要问题1 Weakness: Major Issues in Chinese Dairy Industry-1 乳品加工企业过度密集,无序竞争,导致奶源不足问题日益突出,奶源不足又反过来导致了企业产能的相对过剩 Overfull industry and unhealthy competition result in milk


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