大学英语精读课件-Angels on a pin.ppt

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大学英语精读课件-Angels on a pin

Paragraph 11 Maker: coolxuemin To be fed up with something 厌倦了,厌烦了某事物 Fed up (adj.) 1不愉快的;厌烦的;无兴趣的 2吃的过饱的 例如:我对自己这份工作真的是厌烦透了 I’m really fed up with my job! Standard (n.) 标准;水准;规格 例如:我恐怕这项工作没有达到规定的标准. I’m afraid this work is below the standard required. (重量,价值,纯度等的)标准;基准 Standards:道德标准 Standard (adj.) 通常的;普通的 (只用于名词前)标准的;规范的 (在某一学科的教授方面)广泛使用的;有权威的(指书) Emphasis on something 强调重视某事物 单词emphasis (n.) 同义:importance,insistence 意思:强调,重点 例如:老板非常强调礼貌和准时. The boss lays great emphasis on politeness and punctuality. Emphasize (v.) Emphasize that … Usage: 动词是及物动词,所以后面不能跟介词. 词组to put/place emphasis on sth.中,名词emphasis后面跟介词on. 比较v.和n. In her speech she emphasized the importance of hard work. 她在演讲中强调了努力工作的重要性. The company puts a lot of emphasis on hard word. 公司十分强调努力工作. Rather than 宁愿…也不;不是…(而是) 例如:我宁可住得靠近工作地点,也不要每天在路上花很多时间来去. I prefer to live near to my work rather than spend a lot of time traveling every day. Rather的用法 Rather 常表示一种坏的或不合适的性质. 例如:I was driving rather fast.(=too fast for the conditions on the road) 我车子开得相当快. 但英国人有时用来修饰自己很喜欢的东东. 例如:I was rather pleased when I won the prize. resist Re-(=back,against)+sist(=stand) 站在反方向上 1.抵制;抵抗;反对 2.忍住拒受…的影响 3.抗(病等),耐(热等) 搭配 Resist sth./sb. 抵抗… doing sth. 忍住… 例如:他拒绝任何改变. He resists any kind of change. 她忍不住要大笑起来. She couldnt resist laughing. Temptation(n.) (U.)诱惑 例如:我抵挡住了吸烟的诱惑. I resisted the temptation to smoke a cigarette. (c.)有诱惑力的事物 如:大城市的各种诱惑 The temptations of a big city Tempt(v.) 1 引诱,怂恿(某人)做… 同义:attract 句型:to tempt someone to do sth. to tempt someone to with sth. to tempt someone into doing sth. 例如:他怂恿我在考试中作弊. He tried to tempt me to cheat in the examination. Tempt(v.) 2 吸引(某人)做(某事) 例如:他母亲试图用丰盛的饭菜引起他的兴趣. His mother tried to tempt him by preparing delicious meals. Be tempted to do sth. 被某事打动 panic(n.) (C,U)恐慌;惊慌 同义:fright 例如:由于离考试只有两个星期,她开始恐慌起来. She’s getting into a panic now because it’s only two weeks to



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