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扬州雕版印刷的历史与发展 公共事业管理专业学生 王雪馨 指导老师 卢夏 摘要:扬州的雕版印刷肇始于唐,发展于宋、元、明,兴盛于清。在各个历史时期,都有着无数技艺高超的雕版印刷艺人云集扬州,他们薪火相传,为古城的文化繁荣做出了极大的贡献。清代的扬州的刻书之风已遍及郡城州县,其品种之丰富,数量之多,规模之大,质量之高,卓然于历朝。扬州诗局的创建,奠定了扬州成为当时中国重要的刻书中心之一的基础,而《全唐诗》的刊刻,更以其无可逾越的精美,标志着扬州雕版印刷的辉煌。时至今日,广陵书社秉承古城丰厚的文化积淀,社内迄今仍珍藏有近30万片古籍版书,同时更以保存全套雕版印刷这一绝无仅有的“国粹”工艺流程,蜚声海内外。近年来,他们经过反复印制,恢复了“中国古代活字工艺”,被专家誉为“活化石”,从而为扬州的雕版印刷增添了更为丰富的内涵。 关键词:雕版印刷;扬州雕版;历史发展 The History And Development Of Block Printing Of Yangzhou Student majoring in Public Administration WANG Xuexin Tutor LU Xia Abstract:The Block printing of the state of Yangzhou is begin in Tang, development and Sung, dollar, clear, prosperous in pure.Period in the each history, all have numerous versions of Carvings with superb technical skill to print the entertainer to swarm about the state of Yangzhou , their torch it is rumored, prospered to do for the culture of the ancient city tremendous contribution.The Yangzhou of the Manchu dynasty state of engrave the breeze of the book to have already spread over the county city state County, abundant its species, the quantity is many, scale strong, high quantity, standing apart in in the past dynasties.The Yangzhoupoem bureau establish, establishing the Yangzhou to become Chinese to engrave the foundation of one of the book center importantly at that time, now then 《 whole Tangs poem 》 published to engrave, even had no and can exceed elegant with it, symbolize the brilliancy of the Yangzhou Carvings version printing.Up to now, the Guangling book agency takes orders the big culture of ancient city to accumulate the Carvings , agency inside still collect as treasure 300,000 ancient workses version book up to the present, at the same time more with keep heritage cultural craft process that the complete set Carvings version prints this one and only, a the world of outside.In recent years, they pass by to print to make again and again, recover the Chinese ancient times lives the word craft, drive expert call for activate the stone, thus


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