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豆 丁 推 荐 ↓ 精 品 文 档 2009 年 6 月 Journal of Liaoning University of Technology(Natural Science Edition) Jun 2009 零件分拣系统(SPS)项目在上海通用 (沈阳)北盛汽车的实施 耿 炜 (上海交通大学,上海 200240 ) 摘 要:SPS 系统改进了原有零件从 LOC 运送到生产线工位的配料流程,系统从 GEPICS 获取下线车辆的型 号及选装件信息后,系统预知该车将要进入的配载线,根据配载线所有工位下所有零件与该车辆零件/选装件的匹 配情况,再加上配载线的配载模式,系统计算出车辆在各配载线所需 SPS 零件并打印配料单。配料工在 SPS 操作 区域扫描配料单,电子辅助拣选系统可以启动需配载零件对应的亮灯用以辅助零件配载。分拣结束后分拣系统传 送信息给 SPS 系统,SPS 系统计算车辆 SPS 零件消耗。通过上传时报完成零件在系统中从 LOC 到车间的移库。 关键词:零件分拣系统;零部件再分配中心;零部件优化中心 中图分类号:U468 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1674-3261(2009)03-0187-03 Implementation of SPS System Used in Beisheng Motors(Shenyang) Branched by Shanghai General Motors Corporation GENG Wei (Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China) Key words: set parts system; parts redistribution center; logistics operation center Abstract: SPS has improved the ingredients’ flow of original parts from LOC to the working position in the production line. After system accessed to the vehicle off the assembly line model and option information from GEPICS, system predicted which loading line the car will enter. According to the match case of all the working position of the loading line and all parts of the vehicle parts / option of matching situation, and combined with the loading mode of loading line, the system calculated the vehicle in line with requirements contained in the SPS and printed out parts’ ingredients.


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