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Hallow everyone,before my presentation,I want to show you a video. 看完这个视频后After watching this video 我想已经有同学猜出我今天的主题是什么了I think it must be someone has guess what my topic today is 就是轮滑it‘s skating 轮滑又有双排与单排之分Skating have quad roller skates and in-line roller skate 我今天主要介绍单排轮滑 I introduce the in-line roller skate mainly Today 单排轮滑即直排轮滑 the in-line roller skate also called Rollerblade 直排轮滑这个创意已延续了大约有300年之久the idea of in-line roller skate has been going around for 300 years。最初是有一位17世纪的荷兰人尝试籍由钉着木制滚轴在木片上并装在自己的鞋子下的方式at the beginning there is a 17th-century Dutch attempt by nailed wooden roller and wood chips in his shoes, 而在夏天享受溜冰的乐趣then enjoy the interesting of skating in summer。第一双专利的直排轮滑鞋the First pair of patented inline skates ,在1819年于巴黎由佩蒂布拉德(M.PETIBLED)所注册is Registered by Petty Brad (M.PETIBLED.) in Paris in 1819 ,而除了佩蒂布拉德外,当时还有许多其他直排轮滑的模型在欧洲和美国出产In addition to Petty Brad, when there are many other models of inline skate produced in Europe and the United States。在1979年,有一位名叫奥森(SCOTT OLSEN)的年轻冰上曲棍球选手在一家运动器材商店发现了一双老旧的直排轮滑鞋In 1979, a man named Orson (SCOTT OLSEN)was a young ice hockey players in a sports equipment shop found a pair of inline skates or old。他认识到这个设计的潜力,于是到芝加哥买下溜冰鞋公司那些停产的直排轮滑设计He recognized the potential of this design, so he went to Chicago and buy those discontinued design of inline skates 。他将新公司命名为ROLLERBLADEhe called the New company ROLLERBLADE ,也就成为了现在直排轮滑的同义词which Has become synonymous with inline skating。然后,轮滑就这样流行起来Then, skating is become popular。 直排轮滑又分为几类Inline skating is divided into several categories,平地花式slalom tricks,花式刹停cess slide,速度轮滑speed roller skating,极限轮滑extreme roller skating,野街free skating,休闲轮滑fitness roller skating。 我们一般称喜爱轮滑玩轮滑的人为66或刷子,在这些人中,虽然主要是青少年,但也有老有少,那为什么要玩轮滑呢?we generally call the people who loves skating rollerblade 66 or brush, among these people, are mainly teenagers, but also old and young, why 66s want to play roller skating? 轮滑的好处 娱乐性 紧张繁重的学习和工作中 身心放松Relax in the and arduous study and work 环保性 倡导健康环保理念,时


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