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(2015历下一模).阅读理解 A Do you know cows can climb onto the roof? Isn’t it fun? To eat grass, a Swiss farmer Dieter Mueller’s cow climbed up a roof to look for fresh grass. Mueller said the cow was walking on a road behind the house. Then she thought the grass may be greener on the other side of it, but it didn’t walk around, it decided to climb over the house. In fact the grass was not greener on the other side. Mueller said this is a cantankerous cow. She always does her way. And never follow his words. So it is quite difficult for her to get her down! Mueller tried to let her get down and even put a ladder up to the roof, but it doesn’t work. She stayed up there as long as she liked. She just had to do things in her own sweet time. At last she was tired to stay on the farmhouse roof and found the way to get down herself. That’s really good news. The cow climbed onto the roof to ________. have fun B. look for grass C. run away from the farm D. look for shelter The owner put a ladder up to the roof to __________. climb over the house B. call for help C. climb up the roof D. help the cow get down The underlined word “cantankerous” means __________. shy B. friendly C. clever D. naughty Why did the cow get down from the roof at last? She wanted to drink water. B. She was too tired to stay there. C. The policeman helped her. D. The owner found a way for her. Which of the following is true according to the passage? A. The grass is greener on the other side of the house. The cow always does what she wants to do. Getting down from the roof is easy for the cow. The cow got down from the farmhouse by using the ladder. B French and American doctors have done an operation (手术) together in which the doctors were outside the operating room. This kind of operation is known as robotic operation. Doctor Marescaux did the operation in an office in New York City last month, while a sixty-eight-year-old woman patient was in a hospit


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