14级高一英语必修4 各单元随堂训练.doc

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14级高一英语必修4 各单元随堂训练

英语必修四第一到第四模块总复习题 Book Four Module One Life in the Future 随堂训练 一. 知识归纳 1.重点词组 1) for sure/for certain 2) sth. run out/ sb. run out of /use up sth 3) rely on/ depend on 4)get rid of 5)place an order for sth. with sb. 6)free of charge/for free 7)look out/be careful 8)for a start 9)be on the way out 10)in the future/in future 11)load…with…. 12)instead of 13)at birth 14)no matter 15)carry out 16) go to university/ college 17)work as 18) find out 19) make necessary changes 20) at the flick of a switch 2. 重点句型 1) with 的复合结构做状语 2) “no matter +特殊疑问词”引导状语从句。 3. 语法项目 1) The future continuous tense 2) Talking about the future 二、随堂训练 1. 单词拼写 ________(罪行) have increased sharply in the last few years. 1)___________ The hurricane is ________(预测) to reach our city tomorrow morning. 2) ___________ I’m _______ (依靠) on the garage to fix the car by tomorrow. 3)___________ Have you ________(确定) decided to go to America? 4)____________ Is there a ________ (收费)for children or do they go free? 5)____________ The police ________(逮捕) her for drinking and driving . 6)____________ Britain’s natural ________(资源) include oil, coal and gas deposits. 7)___________ Because of such a climate, much of daily life happens ________(在户外). 8)___________ ________(最终), he succeeded in crossing the river. 9)____________ There is a ________(限度) to one’s life. 10)___________ 2. 句型转换(根据A句完成B句): 1) A: They have run out of their money in the past five days. B: The money has ________ ________ in the past five days. 2) A: I believe traveling in space will be easy then. B: I believe ________ ________ ________ ________ in space then. 3) A: When she was young, her dream was to become a doctor one day. B: She ________ ________ ________


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