on the radiation resistance of a simple vertical antenna at wave lengths below the fundamental英文电子书.pdf

on the radiation resistance of a simple vertical antenna at wave lengths below the fundamental英文电子书.pdf

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ON THE RADIATION RESISTANCE OF A SIMPLE VER- TICAL ANTENNA AT WAVE LENGTHS BELOW THE FUNDAMENTAL* BY STUART BALLANTINE (JOHN TYNDALL SCHOLAR IN PHYSICS, HARVARD UNIVERSITY, CAMBRIDGE MASSACHUSETTS) The calculation of the radiation resistance of a simple ver- tical antenna erected over a perfectly conducting plane earth has been discussed by several investigators, including Abraham and Pierce.2 Abraham regards the wire as equivalent to an ellipsoid of revolution the major axis of which is very much longer than its minor axis, and rigorously investigates the oscillation of charge by applying Maxwells equations to it in suitable curvilinear coordinates; he thus derives values for the damping due to radia- tion at certain definite wave lengths corresponding to the fun- damental and the several harmonics. Pierce has extended the calculation to wave lengths above the fundamental by making the assumption that the variation of the current amplitude along the antenna remains sinusoidal when an inductance is included at the base; he is then able to calculate the radiated power by integration. The value of the resistance at the fundam-iental (36.57 ohms) obtained by Pierce is in agreement with that rigor- ously derived by Abraham, but it should be noted that this does not imply that the assumed current distribution is correct for wave lengths other than the fundamental; there are, in fact, good reasons to suspect that the current distribution is not of such simple sinusoidal type, but, because of the non-uniformity of the inductance and capacity per unit length, would be given by more complicated functions, such as Bessels Im and Km functions. Stone and Roos discussed this twenty years ago and the subject has lately been revived by Press in these PROCEEDINGS and in


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