Multiuser detection for CDMA systems英文电子书.pdf

Multiuser detection for CDMA systems英文电子书.pdf

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ModirS/ingpresent systems couldyield significunf capacity increases Multiuser Detecfionfor CDMASystems ALEXANDRA DUEL-HALLEN,JACK HOLTZMAN,A N D Z O R A N ZVONAR iis a signal, with the other user5 considered as either interfer- successfully used by the military for decades. Recently, spread- cnce, e.g.,Multiple Access Interference (MAI), o r noise. The spectrum-basedcodedivision multiple access(CDMA),has taken detection of the desired signal i \ protected against the inter- un a significant role in cellular and personal communications. ference d u e to the other users hy the inherent interference Multiple access allows multiple user\ to share limited resources suppression capability of CDMA. measured by the processing such as frequency (bandwidth) and time. There are H number gain. The interference suppres\ion capability is. however, not of multiple access scheme\ including more than one type of unlimited and as thc number ot interfering users increases. CDMA. We shall concentr:rtc on one type, direct sequence the equivalent noise results in degradation of performance, i.e., CDMA (DSKDMA). CDMA has been found to be attractive increasing hit error rate (BER) o r frame error rate. Even if the because of such characteristics a s potential capacity increases number o f u4ers is not too large. some users may be received at over coni pet i ng m u 1t i p I e a cce s s in et hod s .a n t i - mu 1 1i path such high signal levels that a lower powcr user may be swamped capabilities, soft capacity. and soft hiindoft. out. This is the ricJtir;fitr affect: users near the receiver


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