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关于ISO9001:2008标准常见问题 FAQs on ISO 9001:2008 常见问题的回答 This list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) has been prepared by ISO/TC 176/SC 2 to support the publication of ISO 9001:2008 and the revision of ISO 9004. Input has been obtained from experts and users of the ISO 9000 standards, expressed during seminars and presentations around the world. 本常见问题的回答是由ISO/TC 176/SC2编写的,目的是为了支持:ISO 9001:2008的颁布和ISO 9004的修改。这些问题都是ISO 9000系列标准的使用者和专家们在各种讨论会议中以及全世界各地提出来的, The list will be reviewed and updated on a regular basis to maintain its accuracy, and to include new questions where appropriate.??It is intended that this list will also provide a good source of information for new users of the standards. 这些常见问题的回答将会定期加以评审,确保其准确性,同时,会相应增加一些新的问题。其意图还想给一些新的标准使用者提供一些良好的信息资源。 For the latest version of the FAQs, reference should be made to the open access web site at /tc176/sc2. 最新版本的常见问题的回答可以从公开网站的下列网址得到。 1.? ? What is ISO? 什么是ISO ? The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) was established in 1947 and is (currently) an association of approximately 157 members, which each represent their own country. ISO employs a system of Technical Committees, Sub-committees and Working Groups to develop International Standards. Besides the National Standards Bodies, ISO permits other international organizations that develop standards to participate in its work, by accepting them as Liaison members. ISO works in accordance with an agreed set of rules of procedure, the ISO/IEC Directives, which also include requirements on the presentation of standards. 国际标准化组织(ISO)是1947年建立的,目前大约有157个成员组成的协会,每个成员代表一个国家。ISO 应用一个技术委员会系统,下面还有份委员会和工作组来开发国际标准。除了国家标准化组织外,ISO 还容许其他开发标准的各种国际组织,通过联络成员的身份参与工作。国际标准化组织按照一系列协商一致的程序规则进行工作的,其中包括ISO/IEC 指令有关提出各种标准的各项要求。 2.? ? Who are the National Standards Bodies, and who represents my country at ISO? 谁是我们国家的标准化组织代表国家参加ISO? Please see the relevant page on ISO Online that gives details, including contact information, of the National Standards Bodies. 有关谁代表


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