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在未来5年内,绿地集团旗下酒店将达到50余家,此项目立足于培养集团内高层酒店管理者,以保证提供充足的符合集团要求的人材.这是一个9-12个月的管理实习项目,旨在...@ Growing with Greenland - Management Trainee Program 与绿地共同成长之管理培训生计划 Rational behind the Program: 项目背景: Due to the boom growth of hotel properties in Greenland in next 5 years, this program has been the cornerstone for the development of hotel senior management for over 50 hotels. This program is a comprehensive 9-12 months hands-on traineeship designed to ensure trainees gain exposure to all aspects of hotel operations from finance view of owner side. It is envisaged on successful completion that they will be appointed to a suitable deputy position (ie. Asst. Finance Manager/Manager, Asst. Finance Controller, Finance Controller, General Manager, owner representative) in Greenland hotels. 在未来5年内,绿地集团旗下酒店将达到50余家,此项目立足于培养集团内高层酒店管理者,以保证提供充足的符合集团要求的人材。这是一个9-12个月的管理实习项目,旨在帮助培训生从业主财务管理的角度,全方面了解酒店营运过程。若培训生可以成功完成全部培训内容后,他将在绿地旗下酒店内承担业主管理方面的职务(如财务副经理/经理/副总监/总监/总经理/业主代表)。 Criteria to select the Hotel Management Trainee: 培训生挑选标准: These trainees would be finalized through interview, assessment etc by APM, DOAP, FC and General Manager of Hotel Management Department in accordance with the criteria as follow: 所有培训生都将经绿地商业集团酒店管理事业部的人事行政经理/总监、财务总监和总经理面试,具体要求如下: A bachelor/Master degree in finance/hotel Management or relevant fields. 财务/酒店管理方面的本科/硕士学位或酒店财务工作经验。 Skillful computer literacy of Word, Excel and other related computer system. 熟练操作Word, Excel等相关电脑程序。 Ability to work as a team member. 具有团队合作精神。 Display initiative, self-motivation and problem solving abilities. 具有主动性,可自我激励,主动解决问题的能力。 Ability to work under pressure, to learn tasks and technical skills quickly. 可以承受压力,具有快速学习知识和技能的能力。 Ability to project professional image. 显示专业形象。 Ability to drive own career. 对个人的职业发展有清晰的认识。 Ability to analyze and conceptualize. 良好的分析和理解能力。 Excellent verbal and written communications skill. 良好的口头和书面沟通技巧。 Proficiency of spoken and written English.


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